14 White-label business opportunities and reselling business ideas (Updated 2022)

White-label business opportunities are a gateway into the business-to-business (B2B) world. You came here to grow your business at scale. Forget drop-shipping mythology and grow a business that will actually be capable of real sales and success. Introducing: the white-label business model. White label enables you to sell white-label business services and products without pre-planning, hiring, training, or any fulfillment work. Discover the endless possibilities of mixing and matching reselling white-label business opportunities and learn why these reselling business ideas are something exciting to consider.

Take the first step to making a profit from the software reseller business model. Download the “How to white label” guide to discover 18 actional tips for offering white-label solutions to clients. Get it now.

There are so many different reseller business ideas that can complement your existing offerings. Some are white label while some are not, but all online marketplaces worth their weight in gold have hundreds of superior vetted product and service options to resell. By the end of this blog, you will have a full understanding of the white-label business opportunities in the market today and reseller business ideas that you can take on with your business. Not to mention you’ll have all of the tools you need to expand your business.

Your future awaits, are you ready?

How does white labeling work?

White labeling is a business-to-business model involving manufacturers and resellers. Essentially, a software manufacturer sells a rebrandable piece of software or service to a reseller who then places their branding on the offering and turns it into a white-label business opportunity by reselling it to their white-label reseller business clients. Digital products can be bought and sold over the internet, so you generally require little (or zero) overhead to get started. All you need to do is start pounding the pavement and selling to businesses.
A 3D bar graph increasing with each of the three bars.

Reseller business ideas: Digital products and white-label business services

Entrepreneurs and other businesses selling white-label reseller business solutions to local clients have two umbrella opportunities to focus on. These white-label business opportunities fall under either products or services. A combination of products and white-label business services is also quite common and can increase customer satisfaction.

A product example of white labeling would be reputation management software. Businesses like an agency, media company or MSP can become a white-label software reseller. What this means is that they can resell software products to their clients that will help them manage their online reputation. This can be software that pulls all online reviews into one place with the goal of increasing response time because it simplifies the process. White-label reputation management software can help a business be found online by highlighting all the key listing sites a business should be on, where they’re currently found, and what’s missing. Imagine all that plus more that you can resell to your customers under your own branding.

A service example would be something like a third-party team that can be outsourced to do the heavy lifting in fulfillment. You would hire them to perform tedious and time-consuming tasks as though they work only for your company. When you hire a fulfillment team you get expert help with tasks such as listing claiming and editing, social post and blog drafting, and review response work. Your business clients get even more value from you with white-label marketing services when they’re combined with a product such as reputation management.

Top 14 reselling business ideas for agencies, MSPs, media, and other resellers

This is a comprehensive list of the top white-label business opportunities and reselling business ideas you can use to expand a business and its offerings. These bundles and individual products are in high market demand and can complement an existing offering really well. Although the majority of the listed products and services are white labeled there are a few that cannot be rebranded and they are marked as such.

1. White-label website hosting and design

The web hosting white-label business services market is currently valued at over $83 billion USD and is projected to reach $267 billion by 2028, climbing there at an 18-percent annual growth rate, according to Fortune Business Insights. Due to these forecasts, this has become a highly competitive market with several larger players and numerous smaller players. For most, it would be a difficult space to enter, but by leveraging white-label reseller website hosting, you can instantly become a world-class hosting reseller and service provider.

Our recommended website bundle white-label business opportunity includes:

  • Website Hosting: Hosting websites give you a foundational, sticky relationship with your business clients. This is the most critical piece of your bundle!
  • Website design/creation: With a website hosted, adding on a custom design is the obvious next step. You can design websites internally, through a freelancer, or by leveraging a white-label service to resell websites quickly.
  • SEO: An SEO reseller program is a great value-add for any website bundle, ensuring the website is found on search engines when consumers are looking for your client's business.
  • Add-ons: Consider offering additional add-ons such as appointment scheduling, form builders, or live chat software depending on your client's needs to further boost the value of your website bundle.

Related Reading: Everything You Need To Know About Reselling White-Label Website Solutions

Reselling business ideas 1. A banner with Vendasta’s website logos and the words “white-label website bundle.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • White-label website solutions: hosting, design, SEO
  • Add-ons: Appointment scheduling, instant site builders, form builder, live chat, chatbot
  • Corporate Identity Design
    • Custom Brochure Design
    • Custom Graphic Design Project
    • Custom Label Design
    • Custom Logo Design
    • Custom Marketing Flyer Design
    • Custom Mascot Design

2. White-label business opportunities in SEO management

Use white-label service providers to join the ranks of other internet wizards and claim your revenue share in one of the most sought-after white-label business services in the sphere of digital marketing. The market for reselling search engine optimization (SEO) services has been growing steadily since, well, pretty much ever. According to Soocial the spend on SEO services for 2022 will end up totaling about $71 billion USD in the US alone. Critics have always forecasted the crash of the market for SEO services, but despite preconceptions, the market continues to grow. If businesses can’t conquer the SERPs, then they have very little chance of generating any traffic organically. The problem? Not many local businesses have the time, knowledge, or resources to master their SEO. That’s where you come into the equation, and here’s the bundle you need. SEO white-label business opportunities:

  • SEO Audit: By outsourcing auditing services, you can give your clients insights into keywords and pages that are working, and an in-depth assessment of site speeds, engagement, citations and so much more (e.g., marketgoo).
  • On-Page SEO: Under your branding, experts can optimize titles, metadata, headings, and other on-page content to identify ranking issues and optimize the pages to rank better.
  • Off-Page SEO: White-label service providers can build backlink relationships that will help your clients' pages rank on their most valuable keywords.
  • Blog Creation Services: With white-label blog creation, you can give your clients an advantage in search ranking by creating great written content and leveraging the benefits of backlinking and keyword targeting to grow search authority (ex. Textbroker).
  • Local SEO: Become a local SEO reseller to resell white-label services like reputation management and listing management to drive conversions when prospects find your clients in the SERPs.

Reselling business ideas 2. A banner with Vendasta’s SEO product related logo and the words “white-label SEO bundle.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

3. White-label online reputation management

In today's marketplace, businesses live and die by their online ratings and reputation. By becoming a white-label reputation agency you can meet this essential business need for your clients. According to the Web Tribunal, 91 percent of people trust what they see and read on search engines (online reputations), and 52 percent of consumers won’t use a business if it has less than a four-star rating. Local businesses that aren’t able to manage their reviews and reputations online cannot survive anymore, and you can be their savior. Reputation white-label business opportunities:

  • Reputation audit: Performing a white-label audit and/or competitive benchmarking can help clients discover unknown reviews, and determine how they stack up against their competition.
  • Reputation management: This white-labeled software allows your agency to monitor and manage every aspect of a local business' online reputation, such as reviews, listings, and mentions. Outsource or fulfill the work in-house.
  • Review response and generation: Enable your clients to capture more of their customer feedback, and build stronger reputations with the help of this white-label software/service.
  • Social media management: Social media is a huge component of your clients’ customer-facing image. White-label providers can manage content and post on behalf of your clients to ensure brand continuity throughout social platforms.
  • Add-ons: Video creation tools to drive greater engagement, chatbots to build instant connections, and WiFi marketing tools for your clients’ physical stores.

Reselling business ideas 3. A banner with Vendasta’s reputation product related logos and the words “white-label reputation bundle.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • White-label reputation products and services: reputation management, review generation, Customer Voice
    • Add-ons: video creation services, live chat, messenger chatbot, Zenreach
  • Listing Builder
    • Add-on Listing Distribution
    • Listing Sync Pro
    • Yext Listing Sync Pro
    • Listing Claim
  • Google Business Profile Optimization
  • Google Business Profile Verification and Claim

4. Provide white-label business essentials

Imagine if you decided on a restaurant for dinner tonight, and tried calling to book a reservation, but the number listed was not in service. How would you feel? Most people would lose trust in a brand at that instant. By giving your clients the business essentials they need, like listing support, you can send them into the market equipped for success.

Every business needs to meet their core operational requirements before they worry about going out there and taking on the world. Some of these core requirements include: claiming their listings so they can be found on the net, being able to create internal and external documentation, building a logo, managing their reputation, and creating that ever-so-important website. Suggested white-label business opportunities:

  • Listing management: Did you know that there are well over 100 listing sites/directories prospects could be using? Use white-label listing solutions to make sure your clients have accurate addresses and contact information across all of them.
  • Graphic design: Every great brand starts with a great logo, business card, envelope, and letterhead designs. Use white-label design services to give your clients professional logo production work.
  • Reputation management: White-label software so that you can either manage review responses for your clients, outsource it to a white-label agency, or simply provide your clients the ability to manage their own reputations so that the world knows they have a pulse!
  • Web hosting and design: Use white-label providers to give your clients the web hosting and design services they need to launch their business.
  • Add-ons: Consider reselling basic operating software such as becoming a Google Workspace reseller. There are also video marketing tools and and review generation tools to supplement this foundational bundle and generate some recurring revenue.

Reselling business ideas 4. A banner with some of Vendasta’s owned and operated product logos and the words “white-label business essentials.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • Website fundamentals: web design, web hosting, graphic design
  • Review products and services: review management, review generation
  • Add-ons: video creation services, Customer Voice, Google Workspace

5. White-label business opportunities and reselling business ideas in content creation

You know that pipe dream that most of us have of working off a laptop on a beach somewhere? By adding a white-label content agency to your offerings, you can make that dream a reality. Companies benefit from written content, we know this. According to DemandMetric, companies with blogs produce 67 percent more leads per month than those without. With the addition of video content, businesses are 50 times more likely to rank in organic Google search. Furthermore, by adding a video to a landing page, conversion rates increase by upwards of 80 to 86 percent. Although the barriers to entry in this space are low, it is also a fiercely competitive market, since everyone seems to be a freelance blogger in 2022. Content bundle reselling business ideas:

  • Blog creation: With white-label content, your clients can share their knowledge and expertise without losing focus on their business.
  • Video creation: Video is the nectar of the gods in 2022. Build a stronger client relationship by providing them with professional videography.
  • Website copy: With a white-label team, you can give your clients the power of a compelling brand story that lives throughout their entire site.
  • Social posting: This white-label service can give your clients expertly crafted social posts that will drive their engagement and build brand awareness.

Reselling business ideas 5. A banner with some of Vendasta’s content product logos and the words “white-label content bundle.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • White-label content essentials such as: blog writing, web creation, social media management
  • Add-ons: video creation services, Textbroker for written content
  • Magnifi video marketing
  • Textbroker | Blog package

6. White-label accounting firm

With white-label business services, becoming an accounting firm and scaling your growth have never been easier. And there’s money to be made in the accounting industry. According to Statista, the "Big Four" (Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young and KPMG) accounting firms made just over $165 billion USD in revenue in 2021. Accounting reselling business ideas and providers to leverage:

  • Accounting-as-a Service: Leverage companies that can tackle work on behalf of your team, giving you flexibility and the ability to grow and scale with ease (e.g., Booxkeeping).
  • API Integration: If you’ve already developed an app or software, companies like Bean Cruncher Accounting can offer white-label API integration to build out more diverse and robust client-facing offerings.
  • Accounting products: Simply want to provide your clients with accounting software they can use themselves? White-label business opportunities like Flexi can enable you to do just that.
  • Add-ons: Valuable add-ons for your clients may be apps for appointment scheduling as well as operating software such as Microsoft Office or Google Workspace.

Reselling business ideas 6. A banner with some round tokens representing accounting actions and the words “white-label accounting apps.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • Add-ons: Appointment scheduling, Google Workspace

7. The full-stack marketing agency (Vendasta style)

This is the type of reseller that we work with the most at Vendasta. Consumers don’t shop like they used to, so for your clients, capitalizing on the modern customer journey is the difference between landing a sale and a consumer buying products or services from a competitor. As a result, we have determined the core products and services that every local business needs to beat out the competition every step of the way. Here they are:

The modern customer journey visually represents the steps of: awareness, finability, reputation, conversion, advocacy.In the past, it has been difficult to reach full agency status due to the degree of knowledge and specialization required for each facet. However, the marketing industry is flourishing in the digital age, and becoming a full-service agency can happen overnight with the help of white-label business opportunities.

By becoming a full-stack agency, you can earn your share of each of these multi-billion dollar industries. Marketing agency product and service reselling business ideas:

  • PPC reseller program: Sell all of the Facebook, Google Ads, Youtube, mobile advertising, and display advertising that your clients need to stay top of mind.
  • Listing management: Make sure your clients can get found, no matter where their prospects are looking.
  • Reputation management: The ability to monitor and respond to online reviews, mentions, and listings.
  • Social media management: All social media channels funneled into one white-labeled dashboard and composer to streamline the content creation process.
  • Web hosting and Website creation: The ability to build and develop great WordPress sites for your clients so they can drive traffic and conversions.
  • A CRM to manage it all: If you are an agency that is going to be managing all of these marketing facets, you’re going to need a powerful CRM to keep it all organized and fuel your sales process.

Reselling business ideas 7. A banner with a mix of round tokens representing products to bundle and the words “white-label agency bundle.”

8. White-label business opportunities in digital advertising

The global digital advertising industry is rapidly growing with projections to increase past 700 billion USD by 2025 and the spend on digital advertising is estimated at 566 billion in 2022. This is unsurprising as the world continues to hurtle toward complete digital transformation. From building and tracking campaign metrics to automation and fulfillment, digital advertising products and white-label business services can effectively increase your clients ROI.

As a digital advertising reseller, you’ll be able to take full advantage of the opportunities held within this market. White-label business opportunities include:

  • White-label pay-per-click (PPC) digital advertising fulfillment services. This can include copywriting, graphic design, and posting all done by a third-party white-label fulfillment team.
  • White-label PPC reporting software. This advertising intelligence allows users to track and analyze multiple campaigns from different platforms for both single and multi-location businesses.

Reselling business ideas 8. A banner with a mix of round tokens representing products to bundle and the words “white-label digital advertising.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • Advertising Intelligence
    • Add-on Advanced Reporting
  • White-label pay-per-click services
  • Digital Ads: Campaign
  • Digital Ads: Creative
  • Google Ads: Quick Launch
  • Google Ads Robot
  • Google Ads for Agencies

9. CRM and customer success reselling business ideas

As a CRM and customer success reseller, you’re familiar with the tools of customer success. This includes software that manages email marketing and marketing automation that shares the goal of improving the customer experience. Happy customers stay, and repeat customers account for 67 percent more money spent than new customers. Not to mention the customer lifetime value of repeat customers vs new customers that leave quickly because of a bad experience. Reduce prospecting time and increase ROI with satisfied customers. CRM and customer success reselling business ideas:

  • Customer experience automation platform: Help your clients engage with their customers using machine learning, segmentation, and personalization to get the right message to the right person at the right time.
  • Automated customer engagement. Capture leads from online platforms and prospective websites to build your customer list. With the right tools and automation you can automatically convert that list into sales.
  • Easy tracking and quick reporting. Identify website visitors for your clients so that they can better understand their customers and their site visitors' intent.

Reselling business ideas 9. A banner with a mix of round tokens representing products to bundle and the words “CRM and customer success.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

10. Productivity and collaboration reselling business ideas

Productivity and collaboration software plays an important role in any work environment worth its salt. Tools like Google Workspace streamline the day-to-day tasks with shared calendars, cloud storage, documents, presentations, and spreadsheets all made easily accessible to the wider team. They can also open new lines of internal communication like video conferencing, secure messaging, and business email setups.

As a productivity software reseller, you will help your clients engage with their customers online with appointment booking, chatbots that answer FAQs, and automatically move leads from their site to their CRM. Reselling business ideas:

  • Full suite of solutions. From docs to spreadsheets and presentations that are all cloud-based for your team to increase productivity, collaboration, and file-sharing.
  • Website chatbot. Lead capturing with an automated chatbot to interact with prospective customers. Gather contact information and deliver qualified leads in real time.
  • Don’t miss out on customer interactions. Use automation to stay on top of how customers interact with your client's business. Generate leads and increase customer engagement.

Reselling business ideas 10. A banner with a mix of round tokens representing products to bundle and the words “productivity and collaboration.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

11. Connectivity and security reselling business ideas

Connect your clients with their own piece of digital real estate in the form of a registered domain. Domains can be used on a new website or forwarded to an existing one, to create a business email address, and most importantly to help your clients be found online. Resell software tools that will help your clients stay connected and safe online. Security tools are built to find risks online like exposed passwords and compromised credit cards that can be used to jeopardize your clients' online well-being. Reselling business ideas include:

  • Domains are where it all starts. With a proper domain registration, your clients can build their brand, stake their claim online, and protect their naming rights.
  • Site Repair tools are necessary when a client gets hacked. Mitigate the damage of exposed sensitive data and repair damage to their reputation.
  • Privacy and Security to find all risks associated with a business.

Reselling business ideas 11. A banner with a mix of round tokens representing products to bundle and the words “connectivity and security.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • Domains - can be white labeled
  • GoDaddy Domains
  • Hacked site repair
  • Service includes: malware removal, software, and security updates, 30-day guarantee
  • Privacy & Security Premier Tool

12. Ecommerce and inventory reselling business ideas

Many small businesses have a website by now. In order to survive the pandemic, 95 percent of respondents moved at least part of their business online, however, only 63 percent have ecommerce functionality (Expert Market). This gap leaves plenty of SMBs in need of an ecommerce solution. As an ecommerce and inventory reseller, you get to provide much-needed and affordable solutions to clients that will be increasing their revenue thanks to you. With that increase in revenue we’d wager they’ll be outgrowing their current solutions and in need of some add-ons or upgrades. Reselling business ideas:

  • Website. You can’t have an ecommerce store if you don’t have a website. Help your clients get set up online with a functioning website that is ecommerce compatible so they can boost their sales.
  • Syncing with Facebook speeds up the process of building an ecommerce store. Many businesses that don’t have a website yet do have Facebook and this can be used to create a website.
  • Templates of ecommerce storefronts will have your clients up and running with a beautifully designed experience ready for their customers.
  • Augmented Reality tools can give prospective clients an in-store experience from their smartphones. They can try on clothes, glasses, and other goods to boost ecommerce sales.

Reselling business ideas 12. A banner with a mix of round tokens representing products to bundle and the words “ecommerce and inventory.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • Website
  • Instant Website with Facebook Sync
  • Advanced eCommerce - add-on to Task Manager and Website
  • PinnacleCart
  • 7L Augmented Reality for E-Shops

13. Resell booking and scheduling

Nothing is more satisfying than a streamlined booking system. Sales calls, appointments, payments, and reminders all in one place rather than spread out across a notebook, wall calendar, and multiple electronic calendars. Cringy yes, but notebooks and wall calendars are still a fact of life inside the walls of many small businesses. Adding booking and scheduling software to your reseller arsenal will give your clients peace of mind and a decluttered professional and personal life.

Reselling business ideas:

  • Online Meeting Scheduler. Automated scheduling tools reduce friction and make it easy for your clients' prospects to schedule their own appointments. They can also send automated prompts to clients and prospects.

Reselling business ideas 13. A banner with a mix of round tokens representing products to bundle and the words “booking and scheduling.”In the Vendasta Marketplace:

14. Resell HR and recruitment

Small business clients don’t necessarily have the manpower or resources that a larger firm has for recruiting and hiring. As an HR and recruitment reseller, you can give them the power to do everything a larger business can and in less time. Help them find the right talent for their business and get new recruits through the door with training quicker than they could on their own. Reselling business ideas:

  • Find the right talent. Use recruitment software that will scale your clients' ability to get talent through the entire hiring process efficiently.

In the Vendasta Marketplace:

  • JazzHR

Best white-label reseller programs

The best white-label reseller programs below are all available through the Vendasta Marketplace to resell as white-labeled tools. A white-label business opportunity looks like a product or service that can be rebranded by other companies to make it look like they made it themselves.

Boostability: The team at Boostability has a sales support team that can help with website health checkups, SEO proposals, answering questions, and help to close sales. This white-label business opportunity includes a pricing tool to help provide quotes for potential clients, and the product itself is unbranded so it can be sold under the reseller company name. 86 percent of Boostability clients get on the first page of Google within six months of signing up.

Technology includes client account management, keyword performance, google analytics integration, work history, and local listings where users will see a list of their client’s business profiles on relevant sites across the digital universe.

Alpha SEO: A white-label business opportunity ideal for businesses that want to rank higher on search engines for their local business, the Alpha SEO base package includes: an all-in-one SEO dashboard, one keyword topic and one target location, seven target keywords, one piece of content writing every six months, ten or more backlinks every month, five website pages of on-page optimization, a website audit and SEO issues fixes, GMB listing advanced optimization as required, website goal conversion tracking in Google Analytics, status reporting, ongoing website SEO health checks, and SEO key performance indicator (KPI) dashboard and metrics.

The KPI’s Alpha SEO tracks include keyword tracking for both desktop and mobile rankings, Google Maps, Google Analytics, integration, and GMB integration. Their team will set and track goals in Google, and implement live chat functionality, notifications, and results tracking as well as include audit reports. Every account is assigned a project manager to assist with any questions and issues that arise.

White-label digital marketing agency: Vendasta has an in-house digital marketing agency that provides reselling white-label business services including digital advertising, web design, social media content, reputation management, content services, and listings management.

These six white-label business services can be packaged together or resold separately depending on client needs. Each has separate teams of specialists who fulfill work for partners as a completely white-labeled service. This white-label business opportunity means Vendasta’s digital marketing agency can do all fulfillment work under a partner’s brand so that partners have more time to focus on what they are really good at.

White-label business opportunities for enterprise

White-label solutions don't only work for entrepreneurs and startups—there are many solutions that can help enterprise companies build out their revenue streams through upselling and cross-selling their clients.

Many enterprise white-label business services providers specialize in one key area and dominate their respective market. These companies can use that authority and massive client base to upsell clients with additional solutions, and not only increase their revenue, but also increase client retention. The Vendasta churn study of 100K+ SMBs found that selling an SMB 1 product has a retention rate of only 30 percent after 2 years, but selling that SMB just 1 more product showed an increased retention rate of nearly 20 percent. Even further, selling an SMB four products shows a retention rate of 80 percent.

Here are some white-label business opportunities for enterprise companies to explore:

  1. White-label agency services: Cover the full marketing stack of white-label business services from ad campaign management, to social posting, to website design and more with a white-label team that handles the fulfillment for you. This is a great solution for enterprise companies as they can add new solutions without having to add to the workload of their fulfillment team.
  2. White-label business opportunity in web hosting: Just like with agencies, web hosting is a great service to add to an Enterprise's portfolio of solutions—because it's hands-off and a foundational piece of a business' marketing strategy. White-label website hosting can be a huge value-add to both small and large business clients, and even help brand new businesses get up and running.
  3. White-label business opportunities in listings and reputation management: Listings and reputation management are services that often go under the radar, yet are blowing up in terms of SMB ad spend. Our study found that fewer than 45 percent of marketing service providers sell these white-label business services, yet they're a combined $600 million market. That means low competition and a huge opportunity. White-label listings and reputation can be easily added to capitalize on this, without having to build out additional divisions.

Advantages of the white-label business model

The white-label reseller business model gives resellers the advantage of broadening their offerings to include products and white-label business services they wouldn’t be able to offer otherwise. With software automation and fulfillment teams to back you up you will increase your ROI, client retention rates, and prospecting success. Here are some key product and service advantages that are driving the growth of white-label adoption among MSPs, agencies, and media groups around the world.

Why resell white-label digital products?

A white-labeled shopping bag filled with software products and marked as “your logo here.”

  • No physical distribution or need for brick-and-mortar store
  • Skip research and development, and start selling instantly
  • Local businesses need business and marketing tech to keep up with the big guys
  • The fastest white-label business opportunity to create or grow revenue

Why resell white-label business services?

  • White-label business services build a more robust client relationship than simply a product offering
  • Generate stable recurring revenue with ongoing services
  • Minimize costs, risk, and staffing expenses with white-label business opportunities in service fulfillment
  • Fast-tracked growth and easy scaling by leveraging fulfillment teams that grow with you

Now you just have to decide which white-label business reselling business ideas are the best fit for you.

Which reselling business ideas are right for you?

The type of white-label reselling business ideas you leverage depends entirely on your goals as a company/entrepreneur. What kind of local expert do you want to become? If you're just building out the reseller part of your business, any of these solutions may be good for you to start bringing in that reseller revenue. However, you'll want to establish a stable brand and niche to give you a competitive edge in the market. As you're adopting white-label solutions, you'll need to have a strong brand and message to stand out in the crowd. Here are the key considerations when choosing a business model:

  1. Expertise. Where do you have the most knowledge and experience? This can be a great foundation for determining the best fit for you or your business.
  2. Price. Some white-label digital solutions are more expensive markets to get into than others. For example, if you were to explore becoming an SEO reseller, and take the service-heavy approach that we suggested—there would naturally be a much higher overhead cost. However, there would also be much less work involved as a reseller.
  3. Product or service specialization. As was mentioned near the start, white-label business opportunities in the digital space are comprised of digital products to resell and services to resell. Depending on your level of experience, you will have to decide which white-label business services you would want to outsource to a white-label agency, and which you would like to complete in-house.

The easiest route to growth for entrepreneurs, MSPs, agencies, and other companies operating in the business service space is digital-based reselling.

Becoming a reseller with Vendasta: The ultimate white-label business opportunity

Now you have a holistic understanding of how white labeling works, the top white-label business opportunities, and some strategies to differentiate your offering. There’s only one step left. If you’re ready to explore white-label business opportunities and reselling business ideas for marketing and business solutions, Vendasta is a great place to start. Marketplace has over 250 products to choose from as a software reseller, and getting started with us has never been easier. With Vendasta, skip your onboarding fees and start for free with access to baked-in selling tools and a fulfillment team that’s ready to meet any and all of your service needs. And you don't pay a dime until you start making sales.

white-label business opportunities in-line 10 (1)

Here’s how you can take advantage of a white-label business opportunity:

  1. Perform powerful business needs assessments with our fully automated Snapshot Report. This tool will help you in your prospecting endeavors by providing a visual aid and proof of where your prospects could improve online.
  2. Build a client-facing store with solutions from our Wholesale Marketplace. All the above-mentioned tools are currently available.
  3. Provide solutions and manage clients through our White-labeled platform.
  4. Grow and scale into the company of your dreams.

Which white-label business opportunity are you waiting for?

About the Author

Emily is a Content Marketing Specialist at Vendasta. Over her career, Emily has worked as a Marketing Strategist, freelanced as a Social Media manager, and enjoyed working events for local and national not-for-profit agencies. When she's not researching her next blog topics you can bet she's challenging a friend to a card game or planning a hike in the wilderness.

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