How MSPs add revenue with Vendasta’s Website Pro reseller website hosting

Failing to offer reseller website hosting as an MSP means leaving money on the table. The clients who rely on you for their hardware, software, security, and IT support needs, all have websites that require hosting and maintenance, but without being able to purchase these services from you, they’re forced to take their business elsewhere. It isn’t a question of whether they’re spending on these services, but of who they’re spending those dollars with.

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That’s why providing web hosting is such a no-brainer for MSPs: the demand for these services exists, and you already have established client relationships that make it easy to start selling right away. With Vendasta’s Website Pro reseller website hosting, you can quickly, securely, and effectively start providing new and existing clients with top-quality website building and hosting services.

Read on to see why Website Pro is the best tool for offering managed WordPress hosting, so you can start growing your revenue and client list easily.

Diversify your revenue stream with reseller website hosting

If you’re like most other MSPs, you’ve likely noticed some changes in the industry. For starters, there are more competitors than ever before. New companies popped up to meet the pandemic-fueled increase in demand as more businesses migrated their operations online. While demand for your core services isn’t going anywhere, neither are the new MSPs offering the same services as you.

Relying on word of mouth to land new MSP clients isn’t likely to drive much growth going forward. This means that diversification should be a central part of your revenue growth plan. However, this can come with its own set of challenges. How do you effectively diversify without incurring huge staffing expenses in the process, or compromising on the quality of what you deliver by outsourcing to freelancers and other third parties? Since you deal with private company information, it’s particularly important for you to earn and maintain your clients' trust.

Vendasta’s suite of white-label products makes it possible to deliver services like reseller website hosting from best-in-class providers under your brand and without having to hire in-house. You’ll delight your clients, become a one-stop shop for their managed services and website hosting, and increase your profits reliably and repeatedly.

How it works

Vendasta’s Website Pro reseller website hosting makes it easy for you to grow your revenue and offer your customers more while avoiding risks and costs that can deter MSPs from expanding beyond their core offerings.

Avoid the costs

Hiring is expensive. If you were to start offering website hosting by hiring a dedicated staff member to manage your client's sites, you’d have to incur the hiring costs up-front and pay a full salary while scaling up. It can take a while for revenue to grow enough to cover the costs of an additional hire. With Website Pro reseller website hosting, you only pay once your client purchases the service. You’ll pay wholesale pricing for the service, which you can offer your client at a price that you set.

That means you can set your own margins, and reach profitability from day one.

Deliver the best quality

There is always some risk with new hires that you won’t deliver your new services to a standard that your clients expect of you. This is also true with outsourcing. Freelancers and other third parties can vary in quality and availability, making it difficult for you to plan ahead and be confident that you can deliver the best website services reliably and at scale as your business grows.

Website Pro takes care of this with an easy-to-use, intuitive interface that lets you see all of the websites you’re hosting at a glance, make updates with a few clicks, and handle web design and management at scale with expert white-label fulfillment.

Offer world-class security

You’re already in the business of security, so you know how important it is to your customers. Instead of dealing with servers that can go down and leave your clients in a lurch, you can offer the best, most up-to-date infrastructure in the business through Website Pro. Your client's sites will be hosted on Google, so you can be confident your site won’t go down or be hacked.

Get to know Website Pro

Website Pro is an all-in-one tool that simplifies the creation, management and hosting of websites for your clients. On the Website Pro overview page, you’ll see all your important website stats at a glance, and have one-click access to the familiar WordPress dashboard and in-depth developer tools. Managing your growing roster of web clients is a breeze since you can access them from a single dashboard.

reseller website hosting overview dashboard for easily managing multiple websites
Let’s get into the best features of Website Pro:

Google Cloud Platform

When you use Website Pro, all of your client’s WordPress websites will be hosted on the Google Cloud Platform. Simply put, you can’t do better than Google hosting for your clients. If you want to be confident you’re offering unparalleled security and speed on the world’s best infrastructure, this is the way to go.

Plus, whether your clients are small startups with limited budgets or larger, more established businesses with complex hosting needs, you’ll find a solution that fits the unique requirements of each business you serve.

Easy to use

Getting set up with Website Pro couldn’t be easier. Whether you’re building a new website for a client or taking over their website hosting needs, you can get them started in a few clicks. Then, once their site is set up in your system, you can view important analytics at a glance, make updates, and work on changes in a dedicated staging area so that their site is never interrupted. Website Pro also includes unlimited backups so storage space won’t be a concern.

Serve new and existing clients

Adding reseller website hosting through Website Pro means you can start upselling your existing clients today. They already know and trust your company, so there is no better place to start selling website hosting services. Then, to really start growing your bottom line, you can expand to new customers who may not be using your MSP services.

Since onboarding and managing many clients is made easy with Website Pro, you don’t have to worry about overextending your team. Offering managed WordPress hosting opens your business up to a much wider market since many smaller businesses may not be using MSP services yet will still need great websites and reliable hosting.

Deliver at scale

Managing websites the old-fashioned way is time intensive. Logging in and out of all of your client's accounts to see what needs updating and making changes one site at a time makes for a clunky, frustrating workflow. This puts a ceiling on how many websites you or your staff can manage at any given time.

Website Pro solves this problem by offering an at-a-glance overview of all the websites you’re hosting and managing. You can see exactly which ones have out-of-date plugins or themes and make those updates from your dashboard. All of that logging in and out of client accounts we mentioned? You can forget about that by seamlessly navigating between sites within Website Pro. Just click on a site and you’ll be able to access its WordPress dashboard, no password required.

As your client list grows, you’ll appreciate the ability to sort by sites that need updating, so you can easily see what needs to be done each time you log in. You can also create websites in a flash with access to beautiful, vertical-specific templates and Woocommerce flows that make setting up ecommerce sites a breeze. Install these and make adjustments to match your client's brand requirements, and you’ll be able to offer attractive, easy-to-navigate sites at scale.

Access expert white-label fulfillment

You can be as hands-on with your client's website management as you want and as your schedule allows. If you want to onboard new clients, build websites, and provide the best hosting services in the industry without adding to your team’s workload, you can do so with Website Pro and Vendasta’s team of experts who will work under your company’s name.

From introductory calls with your clients to determine their website requirements, through website building and management, a white-label team you can trust is available to deliver an excellent experience from start to finish. If you want to scale your MSP and drive serious growth, Website Pro and white-label fulfillment are the best tools for the job.

Ready to grow?

Despite some of the challenges facing MSPs, most notably increased competition in the field, they’re in a great position to capitalize on the large and growing market for digital services. Vendasta’s Website Pro reseller website hosting is the perfect fit for MSPs who are ready to diversify their revenue streams to ensure healthy growth and reliable revenue month after month.

Reseller website hosting the best way to grow your business without the risks, expenses, and headaches of hiring and outsourcing to third parties. You can focus on selling and growing your client list, while Vendasta takes care of the rest.

About the Author

Solange Messier is the Content Strategy Manager at Vendasta. Solange has spent the majority of her career in content marketing helping companies improve how they connect with their prospects and customers. Her diverse background includes magazine publishing, book publishing, marketing agencies, payment processing, and tech. When she's not working, Solange can be found spending time with her family, running, and volunteering.

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