5 Types of white-label analytics software

When it comes to retaining clients, showing your value is critical. Today’s small and medium business owners (SMBs), much like their larger counterparts, expect more than vague promises and rough estimates. They want to know that their investments in digital sales and marketing solutions are delivering meaningful results and a solid return on investment (ROI). Could white-label analytics software help?

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White-label analytics software can help your agency stand out by demonstrating to your clients, with concrete numbers, that your services are producing the results you promised. In other words, they serve as proof of performance. Additionally, this type of software can help you continually refine your services so that you can deliver more value to your clients.

By using white-label analytics software to demonstrate to your clients that you can back up your claims with data, their trust in your agency will only increase. This is what produces those valuable, long-term, sticky client relationships that are the foundation of a thriving digital marketing business. It also gives you the data you might need to find opportunities for upselling additional services.

So, what exactly do we mean by white-label analytics software in the digital services space? It’s software that can analyze data and provide actionable information about how a given sales or marketing strategy is performing. It helps your clients see the value in the services you’re providing, and helps both of you improve your approach when needed to produce better analytics results.

Here are five types of white-label analytics software you can start using with your clients today.

1. White-label analytics software for marketing

Some white-label analytics software zeroes in on specific marketing activities, such as an SEO dashboard, but it’s likely that your agency offers a variety of services to clients. For this reason, it can be very helpful to have a broad, big-picture view of how your clients are performing across all activities that make up a successful marketing strategy.

That’s exactly what these white-label analytics software tools do.

Analytics software for marketing breaks down a client’s current performance across a range of areas, such as reviews, SEO, and social media performance, and enables you to demonstrate with data the areas they would most benefit the most from your services.

Additionally, this type of tool enables you to show clients the progress you’ve made, encouraging them to keep working with you and even potentially purchase additional services from your agency to further their progress.

Snapshot Report

When you’re in the early stages of a discussion with a new client, Snapshot Report is an example of the type of analytics tool you might use to get a productive conversation going and demonstrate, with data, where your services could be of most value.

Snapshot report is divided into 7 categories

  1. Business listings
  2. Reviews
  3. Social media
  4. Website
  5. Digital advertising
  6. SEO
  7. Ecommerce

It’s very easy to generate a report; all you need is one piece of information, such as a company name or phone number. You can save yourself the hours of research you would need to conduct to generate the information in the report. Once it’s ready, wow your prospect with a white-label, data-packed report specific to their online presence.

Executive Report

Once you start working with a client, you want a way to demonstrate proof of performance with agency reporting to gain trust and improve client retention. Executive Report is a white-label analytics software product that lets clients see how your digital marketing services are paying off, which areas they are excelling in, and which areas could use improvement.

Additionally, Executive Report invites clients to explore solutions to improve their performance in areas where they aren’t doing so well. For example, if they currently purchase listing management and SEO services from you and see powerful results demonstrable with data, but they are falling short when it comes to digital ads, Executive Report would show the PPC solutions your agency offers.

2. White-label analytics software for SEO

SEO is an area of digital marketing in which data is especially important. Analytics software can show exactly where a given page is ranking and how much it has moved as a result of SEO efforts.

Both Snapshot Report and Executive Report provide analytics about SEO performance, and other white-label SEO tools incorporate data-driven analytics insights as well.

Alpha SEO

Alpha SEO includes data-powered insights about key performance indicators (KPIs) in a dashboard accessible by clients. They can track their SEO performance for tracker keywords for both desktop and mobile search results, track website goal conversions through a Google Analytics integration, see a weekly website SEO health check, and more.

3. White-label analytics software for digital ads

Digital advertising can produce excellent ROI for your clients, but it can also be a money sink if not monitored properly. If you allow your clients' budgets to be squandered on poorly performing PPC ads, it’s unlikely that they’ll stick around.

The best white-label PPC analytics software prevents this from happening, ensuring that both you and your clients can see how ads are performing and take action to prioritize those with high ROI.

Advertising Intelligence

It can be time-consuming to manage ads for multiple clients across multiple channels. Just logging in and out of every account to gauge performance can constitute a great deal of unproductive time.

Advertising Intelligence incorporates white-label analytics software that enables users to see metrics from across all the platforms on which they’re running ads on a single dashboard. This makes it easy to see which ads are producing the best ROI so more of the budget can be allocated to them. Unlike many other white-label digital advertising solutions, it even includes an ROI calculator so users can see this important info at a glance.

4. White-label analytics software for websites

White-label website solutions can incorporate analytics software that helps optimize websites for a better customer experience and, ultimately, for more sales. Small tweaks can make a big difference in how well a website converts, so using analytics software and tools is essential with your website clients.

Website Optimizer

Website optimizer is a white-label product that provides important analytical data at a glance, including:

  • Website SEO analysis
  • Speed analysis
  • Real-time downtime alerts

Together, these help your clients know what changes to make to improve their site. Additionally they act as proof of performance for your agency as you improve these important metrics.

5. White-label analytics software for reputation management

Your clients’ online reputations have a critical impact on the success of their business. A positive online reputation builds trust and encourages more people to take the desired action, such as making an online purchase or visiting a brick-and-mortar location. White-label analytics software in this space makes it easy to demonstrate the value of your services.

Reputation Management

This white-label reputation management tool can track reviews across over a hundred different websites and enables your clients to respond to reviews quickly and efficiently from a single dashboard.

However, the built-in analytics tools make it even more valuable: artificial intelligence is used to analyze these reviews and gather insights that can help drive business decisions.

For example, the analytics software displays keywords that trend across reviews, location-specific data, and overall brand sentiment. By moving brand sentiment in a more positive direction, you can demonstrate to your clients that your services are improving the perception of their business.

About the Author

Solange Messier is the Content Strategy Manager at Vendasta. Solange has spent the majority of her career in content marketing helping companies improve how they connect with their prospects and customers. Her diverse background includes magazine publishing, book publishing, marketing agencies, payment processing, and tech. When she's not working, Solange can be found spending time with her family, running, and volunteering.

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