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What is Trade Show Marketing? Definition & Tips

Trade Show Marketing is a powerful tool for marketing agencies to reach their target audience. It involves setting up a booth at a trade show or convention and engaging with potential customers in person. Trade Show Marketing allows agencies to showcase their products and services, build relationships with potential customers, and generate leads.

A marketing agency can best leverage Trade Show Marketing by creating a comprehensive plan that includes pre-show, during-show, and post-show activities. Pre-show activities should include creating a booth design that stands out, developing promotional materials, and reaching out to potential customers. During the show, agencies should focus on engaging with attendees, collecting leads, and building relationships. Post-show activities should include following up with leads, analyzing data, and creating a report on the success of the show. With a well-executed plan, Trade Show Marketing can be a powerful tool for marketing agencies to reach their target audience.

Key Takeaways

  • Plan ahead and create a strategy for pre-show activities
  • Maximize visibility and engagement during the show
  • Follow up with leads and measure success of post-show activities


When it comes to Trade Show Marketing, preparation is key. Agencies should create a comprehensive plan that includes pre-show, during-show, and post-show activities. Pre-show activities should include:

  • Creating a booth design that stands out
  • Developing promotional materials
  • Reaching out to potential customers

During the show, agencies should focus on:

  • Engaging with attendees
  • Collecting leads
  • Building relationships

Post-show activities should include:

  • Following up with leads
  • Analyzing data
  • Creating a report on the success of the show

By taking the time to plan and execute a comprehensive Trade Show Marketing strategy, agencies can maximize their return on investment and reach their target audience. Agencies should also consider partnering with a Trade Show Marketing expert to ensure their plan is successful. With the right plan and execution, Trade Show Marketing can be a powerful tool for marketing agencies to reach their target audience.

Pre-Show Activities

Preparation is key when it comes to Trade Show Marketing, and agencies should create a comprehensive plan that includes pre-show activities. These activities should be designed to ensure the agency is ready to engage with attendees and maximize their return on investment.

Pre-show activities should include:

  • Developing a booth design that stands out from the competition
  • Creating promotional materials such as flyers, brochures, and giveaways
  • Reaching out to potential customers through email campaigns, social media, and other channels
  • Developing a plan for engaging with attendees
  • Creating a system for collecting leads
  • Developing a strategy for building relationships with attendees

By taking the time to plan and execute a comprehensive pre-show strategy, agencies can ensure they are ready to make the most of their Trade Show Marketing efforts.

During-Show Activities

Once the Trade Show has begun, agencies should focus on engaging with attendees and building relationships. During-show activities should include:

  • Greeting attendees and introducing them to the agency”s products and services
  • Engaging in conversations with attendees to understand their needs and interests
  • Providing demonstrations of the agency”s products and services
  • Collecting leads and contact information
  • Networking with other exhibitors
  • Providing giveaways and promotional materials
  • Hosting contests and activities to draw in attendees
  • Creating a memorable experience for attendees

By engaging with attendees and providing a memorable experience, agencies can ensure they are making the most of their Trade Show Marketing efforts.

Post-Show Activities

Post-Show Activities

Once the Trade Show has concluded, agencies should take the time to review their efforts and plan for the future. Post-show activities should include:

  • Analyzing the data collected during the show, such as leads, contact information, and feedback
  • Following up with leads and contacts to build relationships
  • Creating a report to review the success of the Trade Show
  • Developing a plan for future Trade Show Marketing efforts
  • Creating content to share on social media and other channels
  • Sending thank you emails to attendees
  • Organizing a post-show event to further engage with attendees

By taking the time to review the data and plan for the future, agencies can ensure they are making the most of their Trade Show Marketing efforts.


Trade Show Marketing is a great way for marketing agencies to reach their target audience and build relationships with potential customers. By creating a comprehensive plan that includes pre-show, during-show, and post-show activities, agencies can maximize their visibility and engagement at the show. With the right strategy, Trade Show Marketing can be a powerful tool for agencies to generate leads and measure the success of their efforts.


What is Trade Show Marketing?

Trade Show Marketing is a form of marketing that involves exhibiting products and services at trade shows and other events. It is a great way to reach potential customers, build relationships with existing customers, and increase brand awareness.

What are the benefits of Trade Show Marketing?

Trade Show Marketing offers many benefits, including increased brand visibility, the ability to interact with potential customers, and the opportunity to build relationships with existing customers. Additionally, it can be a great way to generate leads and increase sales.

What are some Pre-Show Activities?

Pre-Show Activities include researching the event, creating a marketing plan, designing a booth, and creating promotional materials. Additionally, it is important to create a list of goals and objectives for the event.

What are some Post-Show Activities?

Post-Show Activities include following up with leads, analyzing the results of the event, and creating a report. Additionally, it is important to thank customers and exhibitors for attending the event.