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This press release was pendinged on PR Web, May 20, 2016.

Saskatoon, SK —Vendasta Technologies, the #1 platform for agencies and media companies selling digital solutions to local businesses, announced today that it has provided enhanced Google integration to enable time-pressed local businesses to manage and respond to online reviews through its platform.

The addition of this most recent Google offering for enhanced online review capabilities is available as a seamless function within the Vendasta platform, adding to the comprehensive functionality already available in the platform. Currently, the Vendasta platform allows users to:

  • Manage their Google listings on Google+, Search and Maps
  • Update critical business information on Google listings, such as their contact information, website and hours of operation
  • Generate more reviews
  • Receive automatic notifications and respond to reviews

“Value, accessibility and affordability are critical tenets of our customer promise, therefore it is important that we continue to fully leverage and make readily available to our partners the best tools as soon as they are available,” says Jeff Tomlin, Chief Marketing Officer at Vendasta. “This latest enhancement enables our partners to provide more controls to their customers, and ultimately drives greater value for their sales and marketing programs. That’s exciting, it’s why we exist.”

By continuing to leverage integration with Google tools and expanding the depth of the Vendasta platform, users will gain a simplified user experience with one place to manage all of their sales and marketing needs. The platform opens up access to a number of sophisticated tools for small businesses who otherwise may not have time or resources to fully leverage the value that customer reviews can provide.

More Resources:

  • Register for our upcoming sales webinar, Become a Google Guru, to learn about the recent changes and how you can use Vendasta’s latest upgrades to combat them all.
  • Read our latest blog to discover how to use GMB’s latest features as a tool to sell more digital products.
  • Use this unbranded brochure to highlight the control your clients have over Google My Business from the Vendasta product suite.