Top 7 white-label tools for agencies (that your clients will love)

Local business owners are investing more in SaaS solutions—including your agency clients. The projected growth of the SaaS industry will be on the back of demand from small and medium businesses (BusinessWire). That translates into a huge opportunity for your agency. There’s just one question. Which white-label tools for agencies should you consider adding?

Download “How to white label” and discover how reselling white-label tools for agencies can positively impact your business today.

This is a tough question to answer. There are many different marketing tools out there across many categories. We rounded up some of the most popular white-label tools for agencies—which we guarantee your clients will love.

1. Help clients craft an online presence with a white-label website builder like Website Pro

One major driver behind the boom in SaaS demand is the shift to online. In the last few years, every local business owner has realized the value of being online. The right white-label tools for agencies lets you help your clients achieve their goals.

If you’re helping local businesses update their websites or even create them from scratch, then white-label website solutions are a great idea. Website builders like Duda might be worth exploring for your clients to set up a beautiful website in no time (PCMag).

Since a white-label website builder is rebrandable, the client sees your agency name and logo as they craft their website. Since the tool is easy to use, your clients will be able to put their websites together in no time. Your team will also be able to get up to speed using the tool. They’ll be ready when clients have questions or need troubleshooting help.

2. Offer a white-label SEO dashboard like Boostability

White-label SEO dashboards like Boostability are a huge help to agency teams and their clients. A dashboard helps your clients check their SEO campaign performance. They can visualize their success and identify gaps, all in one location.

A white-label SEO dashboard lets you reap the benefits of offering this solution to your client. You can generate reports with ease, which include your agency logo. Your team can help clients understand analytics and insights. The brandable dashboard also lets your team make recommendations for further solutions. Best of all, you can do all this while building your clients’ trust in your team with agency reporting that offers proof of performance.

3. Help clients with every budget with a DIY white-label SEO platform like Hike SEO

Sometimes, you have SEO clients who don’t have big budgets. In other cases, the client is independent-minded. They want to handle things themselves, but they like knowing your agency team has their back.

White-label tools for agencies like Hike SEO are the perfect solution in these cases. Hike SEO created their platform with DIYers in mind, which means it's simple to learn and even easier to use. With this tool in your toolkit, you can help all your clients, no matter the size of their SEO budget (Hike SEO).

4. Explore white-label tools for agencies that help with reputation management

Another top pick for offering to agency clients is reputation management tools. Reputation management is a booming area for local businesses. Many are aware of how important reviews are to their success online (Forbes). Others know how important it is to be listed on Google, Facebook, Apple Maps, and other directories.

That said, reputation management can be intensive for everyone involved. With the right white-label tools for agencies, reputation management can be a lot easier.

Vendasta’s white-label Reputation Management is an excellent pick. This tool checks off all the boxes for reputation management, including:

  • Review notifications and responses in the same place
  • Tracking of online conversations about your client’s business
  • Competitor comparison
  • Listing management
  • Google Q&A management
  • Customer review widget to display the latest reviews

With AI-powered insights, your clients will always feel empowered to improve their reputation. This white-label solution gives them all the tools they need to make those changes.

5. Add white-label tools for agencies like Advertising Intelligence

Does your agency offer PPC ad management or social media ad campaigns for clients? If so, you know all about the importance of KPIs. With these metrics in hand, you can tweak campaigns and improve their performance.

You might even have some tools you use to gather data. What if you could offer those same kinds of tools to your clients? White-label tools like Advertising Intelligence help you deliver data to your clients.

Advertising Intelligence goes beyond simply offering statistics though. It lets you provide up-to-the-minute reporting for your clients’ PPC efforts. Reports contain insights that highlight successes and opportunities for improvement.

Those reports deepen the relationship between your agency and your clients. They come to rely on the reports and actionable insights that help them succeed. Your team can also use these insights to identify pain points and offer other solutions.

Your clients will appreciate the transparency of a white-label PPC reporting tool. They can check their progress, and they don’t need to wait for you to give them the numbers. Highlighting opportunities for improvement also builds their trust. More trust leads to a stronger relationship between client and agency.

6. Help clients reach their audiences with white-label social marketing tools

Social media marketing goes beyond ad campaigns. It can include all the content you post to a client’s account. It can even include several different platforms. As a result, social media marketing can eat up a lot of resources.

That’s one reason social media marketing tools make so much sense for agencies. White-label products let you offer everything from schedulers to content creation.

Lead tracking can help your clients find more prospects. Detailed analytics help them see how their content is performing. With those insights, they can tweak their strategy to get more engagement and grow their audiences—all in one place.

7. The powerhouse of white-label tools for agencies: The client portal

Perhaps the best tool an agency can offer clients is a white-label client portal. The client portal pulls together every solution your clients use and puts them in one spot. This portal will enable them login in once to manage all their tools and easily add more solutions.

The portal also makes it easy for them to manage their account, including checking reports and seeing task progress. It’s also a place where the client can get in touch with your team.

If you choose one white-label tool to offer your clients, make it the client portal. This is where they’ll spend most of their time and have most of their interactions with you. You don’t want that happening under someone else’s logo, which is why a brandable portal is always the right choice.

Ask your clients what they need the most

There are plenty of white-label tools for agencies, which can make it difficult to know which ones to offer. With some luck, this list has helped you narrow your choices.

If you’re still not sure, then it’s time to take it to your clients. Ask them what they need in their toolkit the most—and discover white-label solutions to fulfill those needs.

About the Author

Solange Messier is the Content Strategy Manager at Vendasta. Solange has spent the majority of her career in content marketing helping companies improve how they connect with their prospects and customers. Her diverse background includes magazine publishing, book publishing, marketing agencies, payment processing, and tech. When she's not working, Solange can be found spending time with her family, running, and volunteering.

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