The #1 B2B Sales and Marketing Conference of 2019: Conquer Local

Conquer Local 2019 exists for a single purpose: to help you grow.

Conquer Local 2019 is the intersection of technology, sales, B2B marketing, and strategic innovation. If you are serving local businesses, then Conquer Local is sure to supply you with the data-backed insight you need to guide product selection, master lead generation, engineer retention strategies, and skyrocket your organizational growth.

Whether you’re a large media enterprise or a small marketing agency, there are 6 pieces in the B2B growth puzzle. These pieces are Product, Demand, Sales, Scale, Retention, and Expansion. With the likes of Kevin O’Leary from ABC’s Shark Tank, Tiffani Bova of Salesforce, and dozens of other growth-minded speakers on our roster, you’ll walk away from this 3-day conference with the data-backed insights and skills to smash through your greatest blockers and achieve new heights in 2019 and onward.

But Conquer Local 2019 is so much more than simply a conference—it’s an experience. Between boundless networking opportunities, world-class beach partying with some pretty wild Canadians, and numerous other festivities, you are sure to leave the week regret-free.

Why Attend?

First, I want to make it very clear what Conquer Local 2019 will not be, so that you can be sure this will be the right fit for you and your business’ needs. Afterward, we’ll chat a little about what specifically you can expect from our little beach rendezvous.

Conquer Local 2019 will not be a superficial showcase with too many attendees to actually make any valuable connections. It will not be populated with a roster of low-energy, low-impact speakers that will have you itching for the next coffee break. And it definitely won’t be host to tactics that are so high-level that they’ll be more valuable in your deepest of dreams than your day-to-day work.

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Conquer Local 2019 will be a high energy program, precision-engineered for practitioners. And we’re heading to San Diego, so that’s at least a small step up from Vegas, right? At Conquer Local, you can expect to rub shoulders with leadership from the top media companies and agencies in North America, network your way through powerhouse sales and marketing stack workshops, and soak up some high-grade entertainment in one of the most beautiful hotel destinations on the West Coast. Best of all, you can be sure to have a hell of a good time while you’re doing it. Devon says it best:

Unlike other conferences, Conquer Local is three days of strictly actionable content for anyone serving local businesses. (In fact, we have a strict “No Fluff” policy when it comes to our sessions.) Whether you’re an agency owner, media executive, marketing consultant, or any other type of channel seller, consider Conquer Local the MUST-ATTEND event of 2019. Perfect for practitioners wanting data-backed ideas about which products to sell, how to generate leads, how to scale, and which strategies work best for retaining happy customers. In a nutshell, it’s everything you need to fix, fuel, and fine-tune your company’s growth engine. Oh, and it’s a hell of a party.
Devon Hennig

VP of Demand Generation, Vendasta

Attendee Success Rates

Did we mention that we’ve actually measured the successes of our past conference attendees against those Channel Partners of ours that did not attend?

The numbers show that our past conference attendees enjoyed a 3.4% spike in their growth rates in the 4 months following the conference, with a very noticeable spike in the 2 months immediately after (the conference was historically held in April). This spike also outmatched all non-attending Channel Partners at a rate of 2.5% in growth improvements.

conquer local 2019 attendee success

™The 6 Pillars of Agency Growth

Conquer Local 2019 is all about growth. The problem is that 40% of all channel resellers hit a growth plateau. At Conquer Local, we’ll dig into strategies for overcoming these top six growth challenges:

Productproduct pillar

Although 86% of local business owners seek a single digital service provider, 20% of agencies offer three or fewer digital solutions, and an additional 8.3% are point-solution providers. When you are unable to meet key business needs, it’s an uphill battle to build enduring client relationships.

But vendor procurement isn’t an easy answer either, as it is often met with a world of integration issues and a resulting lag in speed to market. So how can you build out your product offering without facing astronomical costs, vendor clutter, and decreasing margins? These are the difficult questions that we will be tackling at Conquer Local.

Demanddemand pillar

According to Vendasta’s Challenges Agencies Face survey, a remarkable 53% of agencies surveyed ranked lead generation as their most difficult challenge in 2018. High-quality leads with a low cost of acquisition is essentially the holy grail of the B2B space. What if we told you that we found it?

Conquer Local 2019 will speak to tactics surrounding ultra-personalized content marketing and lead generation strategies that will simultaneously push your competition out of the frame.

Salessales pillar

Nearly 50% of agencies from our Challenges Agencies Face survey state that “proving the value of digital marketing to local businesses” is one of their main challenges in selling digital solutions. This is the result of expensive sales management software, messy lead management and assignment processes, and the lack of a clear value proposition.

Conquer Local 2019 will pair you with some of the leading sales minds in marketing, like Vendasta’s very own George Leith. Pick up strategies to slash your pipeline management costs, deliver greater insights, and build a more consultative sales approaches in your high-performance organization.

Scalescale pillar

So your revenue is growing, but so are your costs. Oh, and not to mention that black hole between sales and on-boarding that is probably going to be the death of your sanity. So what can you do to alleviate key pressures and become a rapid growth firm with a bulletproof pipeline?

Conquer Local will show you how to (warning: incoming buzzword) best leverage the marketing automation technology at your avail and patch the holes that are hindering your growth. Key speakers will also address different fulfillment technology, and the best fit for various business models such as do-it-yourself (DIY), do-it-with-me (DIWM™), and do-it-for-me (DIFM).

Retentionretention pillar

If the B2B space were Superman, then client churn would be your kryptonite. Based on our Churn Study, there’s a 37% difference in retention rates between SMB customers that are sold 1 product versus those that are sold 4. To keep these customers close, you have to expand your product offerings and leverage new retention tactics to become that single source of truth.

Conquer Local 2019 will address the implications in properly leveraging proof-of-performance reports and supply you with the new tactics you need to strategically expand your solutions, drive engagement, and simultaneously reduce churn.

Expansionexpansion pillar

At the end of the day, we all have to answer to the monster knocking on the door: disruption. Whether indirectly or directly, we are all competing against the development velocity of the Amazons and Starbucks of the world. Why? Because your local business clients (your livelihood) are squaring off against these monster corporations on a day-to-day basis. For the local business to survive, and for B2B service/technology providers to survive, expansion and growth mentalities must always be leading the charge. Conquer Local will cut the fluff and give you the real-world tactics and solutions you need to leverage technology (within your bounds) and strive for ongoing expansion.

Conquer Local 2019 Agenda

If you’re one of those “planner” types, I guess you might want to see something of a formal agenda, right? Here’s the outline:

  • Master Sales Workshop
  • Stack Track Workshop
  • Kick-off Reception Dinner
  • Day 1 of Presentations
  • Kevin O'Leary Keynote
  • Conquerors' Bash Beach Party
  • Day 2 of Presentations
  • Noon Wrap-Up
  • Networking

Monday, June 10th

Monday will be our workshop day, presenting a unique opportunity to get hands-on with some of the best and brightest minds in the B2B space.

The morning will be home to our Master Sales workshop. This session will be an opportunity for attendees to connect with some of Vendasta’s most successful Channel Partners, as well as Vendasta’s own sales leaders, to uncover new strategies and propel your sales organization into Q3 with new energy.

The afternoon Stack Track workshop will be all about the new digital marketing stack and the implications it has in the B2B space. You can be sure to learn new strategies and tactics to help you leverage the full digital marketing stack in your organization. Key business guests will be Boostability, Uberall, and Zenreach.

Finally, the day will wrap up with our kick-off reception dinner! Not bad for a Monday, eh?

Tuesday, June 11th

Tuesday will be the first full day of conference festivities. Vendasta CEO Brendan King will set the stage (literally) with his presentation on the State of the Industry. Subsequent speakers will address the implications facing B2B providers in a crowded market and share tactics to drive differentiation in your organization. And then, just when you thought things couldn’t get any better, Kevin O’Leary will take the afternoon away with his keynote presentation!

Oh, and did I mention our infamous Conquerors’ Bash beach party on Tuesday night? You might think you’ve seen it all, but we can be certain that you haven’t until you’ve spent some time with Vendasta and company.

Wednesday, June 12th

Wednesday will be day two of conference content, sure to begin with A LOT of coffee. The content priority for day two will be all about digging into the data and better-leveraging the technology and tools at your avail so that you can make more informed strategic decisions and slash costs across the board.

Check out the full agenda and speaker lineup here!


So by now, I’m sure you get it. Conquer Local 2019 is going to be anything but a conventional conference experience—but, it is sure to leave you inspired and readily-equipped with all of the tools you need to generate new business and super-serve your existing clients. Grab your tickets today, and join us on the beautiful beaches of San Diego this summer.

About the Author

Brock is a Former Marketing Analyst at Vendasta with a passion for the more creative things in life. He also answers to Archie - for obvious reasons... And when he's not putting his fingers in paint, or saving Riverdale, he can usually be found asking Google one of the many more embarrassing "how to" questions.

Turn your digital agency into a scalable power house with Vendasta

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