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Turning connections into revenue: Jordan Roscoe’s blueprint for success as a Vendasta affiliate

Owner of marketing agency Unique Pro Media based in Hanover, PA.

Joined Vendasta’s Affiliate Program in November 2022 to diversify income sources.

Motivated by the opportunity to supplement existing recurring agency income with revenue from affiliate marketing.

The Challenge:
Jordan Roscoe, the CEO and President of Unique Pro Media, had already achieved strong success by partnering with Vendasta to resell white-label digital services to small and medium businesses (SMB).

As he witnessed the platform’s pivotal role in his agency’s growth, he seized the opportunity to further expand his collaboration with Vendasta.

Upon discovering Vendasta’s Affiliate Program – open to anyone – Roscoe recognized the chance to strengthen his ties with the company. By becoming an affiliate marketer, he aimed to amplify Vendasta’s positive impact, spreading its benefits to other agencies in the process and build a new source of recurring income along the way.

“I don’t know many people in the affiliate or referral marketing sphere who can generate this level of passive income with a single offer,” Roscoe says, referring to the opportunity of earning up to 30% commission or $22,300 per close.

Roscoe’s projections through Vendasta Affiliate Program involvement

SEO vendor case study dollar-icon

Annual recurring
revenue forecast

Forecasting approximately $100,000 in annual recurring revenue since joining the Affiliate Program in November 2022.

Passive income
growth target

Envisions a potential 5X increase in affiliate program revenue over the next 3-5 years based on close rates.
Leads closed since
34 referrals successfully closed since joining the program.


Imagine being able to not only use a product you love but also earn additional income by becoming an affiliate marketer. For Roscoe, this opportunity became a reality when he discovered Vendasta’s Affiliate Program, allowing him to bolster his rapidly growing agency income.

Roscoe wanted to raise awareness about the comprehensive solutions Vendasta offers to other agency owners using complicated and costly tech stacks that hinder them from scaling – the exact position he was in before becoming a partner.



Roscoe’s decision to become a Vendasta affiliate was driven by two main goals:

  • Supplement agency income: Despite the growth of his own agency’s revenue, Roscoe recognized the opportunity to create an additional revenue stream through affiliate marketing. It was a logical choice to build this parallel income source.
  • Help other agencies win: Roscoe was keen on supporting his network of marketing agency owners in their efforts to effectively serve small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) and earn greater rewards. He empathized with those, like himself in the past, who had once put in excessive manual effort to run their agencies.

“Countless individuals, much like me, used to invest significant manual labor in running their agencies. If I can reach even a fraction of these people and introduce them to Vendasta’s white-label offerings, then I can help them step out of merely being salespeople and that to me is a huge success,” Roscoe says.

The approach

Roscoe’s journey with the Vendasta Affiliate Program was marked by better-than-expected initial success, as he quickly realized the program’s potential after achieving thousands in monthly recurring commission revenue.

He offers the following tips to those who want to achieve similar success and grow a robust passive income stream:

1. Leverage Your network

“Your network truly defines your net worth,” Roscoe says, underscoring the power of connections. Quickly after becoming an affiliate, he reached out to his connections who were struggling to succeed in running an agency, referred them to Vendasta, and secured some relatively easy closes.

2. Put in the work

While acknowledging Vendasta’s support provided to affiliate partners, he emphasizes the importance of putting in the effort and being proactive.

“I subscribe to the theory that you get out what you put in,” he says, emphasizing the need for other prospective affiliates to actively engage with potential clients to maximize results.

3. Leverage Vendasta’s affiliate team

Roscoe highlights the vital role of collaboration with Vendasta’s professionals, stating, “Collaborate as often and as frequently as possible with your affiliate staff. They’re there to support you.” He credits the affiliate team for his early and sustained success, emphasizing their expertise in the product, market, and sales strategies.

4. Understand the product

Roscoe stresses the significance of product knowledge, in particular, understanding key features like Marketplace, Business App, AI tools, so that the value proposition of these can be clearly articulated to prospects, and tricky questions can be handled confidently.

“And I really do believe that that’s part of that recipe for success is that you’re sold on the product that you’re selling – even if you’re not a partner using it, as long as you appreciate its value, that’s key,” he says.

What’s next?

Looking ahead, Roscoe is focused on elevating his affiliate game by venturing into uncharted territories, aiming to expand his reach beyond his existing networks.

“My upcoming goal is to no less than 5X my passive income stream as a Vendasta affiliate and I want to hold onto my spot as a top affiliate partner due to my competitive nature,” he says.

While he relishes the ongoing success as a Vendasta partner and affiliate, he acknowledges the challenge of reaching a broader audience not directly linked to his existing connections.

“One of my main challenges as a Vendasta affiliate has been reaching a wider audience outside my immediate network or existing groups on platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn,” he says.

“I’ve primarily relied on my expertise in one-on-one emotional selling within my comfort zone. However, I recognize the need to break through this roadblock and explore new avenues.”

“I really do believe in the problem that Vendasta’s solving. And I believe that there are a lot of other people out there that we can solve problems for with this solution specifically. So leverage your connections, get your heart in it, and again, you’ll get out everything that you put in.”

Jordan Roscoe
CEO, Unique Pro Media & Vendasta Affiliate



Roscoe’s success with the Vendasta Affiliate Program illustrates the potential of proactive networking and embracing new challenges. By leveraging existing connections and valuing residual income, he transformed his affiliate venture into a thriving, sustainable income stream. His journey highlights the program’s capacity to generate substantial passive income through strategic engagement and adaptability.

Our Affiliate Program welcomes everyone, without any prior affiliations. Why not embark on your own transformative journey? Click the button now to explore Vendasta’s Affiliate Program and seize your chance to build a meaningful passive income stream.