Software review sites: 12 Top SaaS review resources (Updated 2023)

We know what you’re thinking. There’s something kinda ironic about writing an article reviewing the top software review sites, isn’t there?

So, why bother?

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Well, we know one thing for sure: people don’t shop like they used to. But what’s changed? Research? Online purchasing? Everything? We can definitely blame the Googles and Yahoos of the world for the bulk of the transformation that we’ve witnessed, but there’s more to it than that. What our internet-driven society has created is known as the “zero moment of truth”.

Graphic labeled “Modern Customer Journey” with a male figure on the left representing the beginning of the journey. The stages of the journey are awareness, fundability, reputation, conversion, and advocacy. The last two stages contribute to the next prospective customers decision.

Back when dinosaurs still roamed the earth and the internet didn’t exist, consumers would complete their product or service research either in-person or in-store. There was just one problem with this business model: people are lazy by nature. With the dotcom boom, consumers began to conduct research online, and were often able to make a purchase decision before they ever arrived at a physical store.

With this monumental value shift, consumers have become increasingly reliant on the online reputation of a business. For example, a consumer might discover a restaurant via a paid Facebook ad, but that alone is not enough to sell a prospect, so they will research the restaurant on Google, on Yelp, on TripAdvisor, or a variety of other sites as a means to reaffirm their interest.

But what if you want to research a technology company? Or an app? Or a SaaS provider specifically? Outside of their Google and Facebook reviews, where can you go to find detailed reviews that actually speak to the performance of the tech—not to mention their customer support?

You visit product review sites. And that’s why you need to make sure that your app, SaaS, or other tech is listed in all of the right places so that it can get in front of all of the right eyes.

SaaS directory benefits

We’ve set the stakes, but other than being in the right place at the right time, what key benefits can be had by leveraging SaaS directories?

  1. Increased exposure and social proof. The more places that prospects and potential clients can discover your information, the stronger your brand equity becomes, and the stronger your brand perception will grow. SaaS directories allow you to truly dominate the research phase of the buyer's journey.
  2. Paid ad services within these platforms. Similar to how you run Google Ads, many SaaS directories offer paid ad opportunities if you want to further increase your exposure through these key channels.
  3. Rich snippet schema markup. When you start generating reviews on these product review sites, you can then use these reviews for rich snippet markup. In other words, you can showcase these reviews on your core site to add some unique flair to your appearance in the SERPs. Something like this:
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Every single one of these sites that you choose to list on will come with a dofollow link back to your core site. These links, particularly from high ranking sites such as Trustpilot, will help you build your site’s authority and improve your search rank for the keywords that matter most to you.

What do the best software review sites for SaaS have in common?

As the SaaS market continues to grow, with new categories and solutions seemingly popping up all the time, more businesses are relying on software review sites to help them make informed decisions about the technology they use to run their operations. We’ve talked about the perks of appearing on software review sites, but not all SaaS directories are created equal.

So, what do the best software review sites for SaaS have in common? Here are a few key things to look for.

They are impartial

The best review sites for SaaS are independent and unbiased. They don't have any financial stake in the products they review, and they don't accept payment for positive reviews. This ensures that the reviews are objective and trustworthy. If they do have relationships they have with the companies they review, life if they receive affiliate commissions or sponsorships, these should be disclosed. This transparency helps users understand the potential biases that could influence the SaaS reviews, making them more trustworthy.

They have expertise

The software product review writers used by the top product review websites are knowledgeable and experienced in the SaaS industry. They have a deep understanding of the market and can accurately evaluate product features, usability, and performance. Reviewers on the best software review sites can provide unique, valuable insights that users may not have noticed or considered before. Ideally, they’ll have a team of expert reviewers and product testers from different industries or sectors, each with their own expertise and perspective.

They are transparent

The best software review sites are transparent about their review process. They explain how they evaluate products, and they provide clear criteria for their ratings. Users should be able to understand how the review site scores products and what the evaluation criteria are. The review site should also clearly state how they arrive at their ratings and exactly where the different SaaS products being reviewed perform well or fall short.

They stay up to date

Given the rapidly evolving needs of customers, it’s important for software product review websites to stay up-to-date with the latest SaaS products and trends. New products should be reviewed as soon as they're released, and improvements should be reflected in regularly updated reviews. Honest, reputable software review sites should be willing to revisit a product they've already reviewed and modify it to reflect any changes or updates to the product.

They’re user-friendly

Software review sites prioritize the user by making it easy for them to make informed decisions. Detailed information is available for each SaaS product, including its pros and cons, and comparisons between similar products are available to help users find the right fit for their needs.

They’re credible

High-quality SaaS directories are known for accuracy and reliability. They can be trusted by businesses and consumers alike, and have a track record of providing truthful, helpful reviews. Users can rely on them to provide unbiased and transparent information about the top SaaS products.

Top SaaS product review websites: Table

Here are the top product review sites, organized by their Ahrefs website authority checker and verified by their Moz domain authority rankings.

No Review Site 2022 Ahrefs Ranking Moz Domain Authority
1 Trustpilot 94 92
2 AppExchange 92 90
3 Capterra 90 78
4 FinancesOnline 87 66
5 GetApp 84 62
6 G2 Crowd 83 67
7 TrustRadius 82 50
8 TechnologyAdvice 78 56
9 Crozdesk 74 48
10 Peerspot 60 50
11 SaaSGenius 59 37
12 DiscoverCloud 33 29

Top SaaS product review websites: List

Here is the comprehensive list of tech product review websites that you need to consider listing with to build your reputation and drive high-value traffic to your site.

1. SaaS reviews: Trustpilot

Screenshot of software review site TrustPilot interface showcasing the WordPress reviews on their site.

Ahrefs Rating: 94

Moz Domain Authority: 92

Price: Free with additional Lite, Pro, and Enterprise tiers for additional marketing and sales functionality

Why Should You List on Trustpilot?

Easy. As the highest-ranking product review site on our list, according to both Alexa and Moz, and one of the highest-ranking sites in the world, Trustpilot is a must for tech listings. Also, as a Google Trusted Seller partner, you can use Trustpilot reviews in your rich snippet markups on Google search. Not listing on Trustpilot would be kind of like not paying for parking—careless.

2. SaaS reviews: AppExchange

Screenshot of the AppExchange interface showcasing the Salesforce review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 93

Moz Domain Authority: 90

Price: Free for Salesforce partners

Why Should You List on AppExchange?

Also known as the Salesforce store, AppExchange is a platform built for products and services that have Salesforce integrations. This can be a dynamic business driver if that’s your jam, but if not, then you will likely want to look to some of the following listing options for your offering.

3. SaaS reviews: Capterra

Screenshot of the Capterra interface showcasing the Drip review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 90

Moz Domain Authority: 78

Price: Free with paid PPC/PPL upgrades

Why Should You List on Capterra?

With specialization on software specifically, Capterra is not only a great place to list products and services, but it is also a powerful tool for discovering software options to meet unique business needs. With more than 5 million monthly business software buyers using the platform and extensive product description and functionality features built into your listings, Capterra is built to help drive traffic and sales for your business. Word to the wise: This demand-based platform is highly ad-driven, so it can become very much “pay-to-play”.

4. SaaS reviews: FinancesOnline

Screenshot of the FinancesOnline interface showcasing the BambooHR review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 87

Moz Domain Authority: 66

Price: Free to list

Why Should You List on FinancesOnline?

This is another site that has been clawing its way up in the ranks over recent years. FinancesOnline is focused on SaaS/B2B software and financial product reviews, boasting over 2.5M+ monthly readers across 10,000+ reviews that are sourced from a combination of both experts and actual product users. The platform then organizes reviews based on proprietary SmartScore and Customer Satisfaction algorithms that measure your listings based on 9 different subject areas, such as collaboration features, integration, ease of use, and security. This platform also leverages an article repository to help potential buyers make more informed decisions.

5. SaaS reviews: GetApp

Screenshot of the GetApp interface showcasing the Sisense review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 84

Moz Domain Authority: 62

Price: Free with paid PPC/PPL upgrades

Why Should You List on GetApp?

GetApp is THE quintessential platform if you’re specifically in the app space, or have a SaaS platform that specializes in its mobile apps/mobile friendliness. Scale your use up and down with a free initial listing, and various paid tiers above that. Unique functions include the ability to explore how different products and services might integrate with your apps so that you can explore partnership opportunities and easily compare your offering to competitors.

6. SaaS reviews: G2 Crowd

Screenshot of the G2Crowd interface showcasing the Asana review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 90

Moz Domain Authority: 67

Price: Free business listings with optional paid buyer insights

Why Should You List on G2 Crowd?

G2 is one of the biggest up-and-comers in the SaaS review space, so you’ll definitely want to get on board with these folks. G2 aims to remove much of the bias that is so prevalent in the software industry by leveraging unbiased reviews from validated sources, so that prospective buyers can make the most informed decisions possible. Their proprietary algorithm works to filter fraudulent reviews from a company’s own employees or direct competitors, and the community layout allows viewers to vote as to whether or not reviews were found as helpful or not. And if you are interested in paying for some additional perks, you can purchase access to buyer insights, such as software category page views, and review data from your target audiences to better aid your sales and marketing teams in selling your product. Therefore, the emphasis of this platform is very clearly on reviews, which can all be filtered based on category, industry, user roles, etc, and then compared to competing product offerings.

7. SaaS reviews: TrustRadius

Screenshot of the TrustRadius interface showcasing the Shopify review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 82

Moz Domain Authority: 50

Price: Free to list

Why Should You List on TrustRadius?

When you open your site with a line like “B2B without the BS,” you’ve instantly got my respect. If you are a vendor with a smaller budget, this is a great platform for you because TrustRadius runs zero paid ads, so vendors are unable to skew any results. The platform also uses “TrustMaps” to organize products based on their review scores and research frequency, giving you another avenue for prospects to discover your offering. If you have a legit product that delivers legit value, then this is going to be one of the best resources at your avail.

8. SaaS reviews: TechnologyAdvice

Screenshot of the TechnologyAdvice interface showcasing the Apptivo review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 78

Moz Domain Authority: 56

Price: Free with paid PPC/PPL upgrades

Why Should You List on TechnologyAdvice?

Also owned by Gartner (same as Capterra and GetApp), this is yet another powerful listing platform for software research. This platform is very easy to use and navigate for potential buyers, and uses a similar question-and-answer framework to that used by IT Central Station to ensure the quality of reviews generated. However, much like Capterra and GetApp, you will be working with a bit of a “pay-to-play” environment.

9. SaaS reviews: Crozdesk

Screenshot of the Crozdesk interface showcasing the 7shifts review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 74

Moz Domain Authority: 48

Price: Free to list, with paid premium lead generation options available

Why Should You List on Crozdesk?

By deploying AI and machine learning, Crozdesk uses ranking algorithms that are geared to generate unbiased software recommendations. This platform also boasts 230+ product categories, so that you can be sure that prospects are not stumbling across your offering by mistake. If you are in the market for paid advertising on listing platforms, Crozdesk’s hyper-targeted product classifications can help to deliver customers that match your ideal buyer persona.

10. SaaS reviews: Peerspot

Screenshot of the PeerSpot interface showcasing the Top 8 Backup and Recovery Software product list.

Ahrefs Rating: 60

Moz Domain Authority: 50

Price: Free to list

Why Should You List on IT Central Station?

IT Central Station is unique because if offers much more in-depth categorization for products and services in categories such as application development and infosec as compared to its peers. Long-form question-and-answer style review formats ensure that high detail and high quality are emphasized from reviewers. If you have a more R&D-geared offering, then this platform is must.

11. SaaS reviews: SaasGenius

Screenshot of the SaaSGenius interface showcasing the Brand24 review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 59

Moz Domain Authority: 37

Price: Free with a $197/month premium tier coming soon

Why Should You List on SaasGenius?

Founded based on the recognition that most technology solution purchasers face a tremendous challenge in selecting the right solution, SaasGenius looks to alleviate many of these stresses. By listing with this platform, you get detailed product profile customization options and access to the growing community of software companies already using SaasGenius.

12. SaaS reviews: DiscoverCloud

Screenshot of the DiscoverCloud interface showcasing the BambooHR review page.

Ahrefs Rating: 33

Moz Domain Authority: 29

Price: Free to list, with paid premium

Why Should You List on DiscoverCloud?

This site is home to a variety of B2B SaaS offerings as well as numerous outsourced services. With multi-tiered classifications based on languages, needs met, and who the offering is best suited for, DiscoverCloud is a powerful force in pairing international buyers and sellers. With targeted advertising options in the premium tier, and the ability to implement “special offers” to solicit additional conversions, this can be a great asset if you are taking an offering to the international market.

SaaS directory methodology: Ahrefs and Moz

These product review sites were selected and listed ordinally based on their respective ranks according to Ahrefs and Moz.


Ahrefs calculates domain authority based on several factors, including the number and quality of backlinks pointing to a website. Backlinks from high-authority websites are weighted more heavily than backlinks from low-authority websites.

Top-quality software review sites should get have a large number of high-quality backlinks since reviews are often shared through blogs and other online conversations. We manually checked each product review website using Ahref’s website authority checker, and organized our list from highest to lowest ranking.


Screenshot of Moz’s interface with a page authority, domain authority, domain MozRank, and domain MozTrust score. The domain authority score is circled, since that is what we used in this article.

Domain Authority (DA) is a comparative measure developed by Moz that predicts how well a site will rank on search. These scores are based on a 100-point scale, with close to 100 representing a strong competitive advantage in organic search.

This is significant to technology companies because product review sites that make claims about a listing on their site translating into real SEO value and organic impressions may not be trustworthy unless they’re leveraging additional SEO tools within their site to help boost your listings. But also, if it’s a free service—no harm in trying!

While Ahrefs’ domain authority ranking is largely based on the quality of a website’s backlink profile, Moz’s domain authority ranking uses dozens of ranking factors to predict how high a website is likely to rank in Google search results. We manually checked all of the product review websites in the list and provided the Moz domain authority ranking to verify the Ahrefs ranking.

What do top SaaS products and white label have in common?

Offering the best and latest SaaS solutions to your SMB clients is essential if you want to retain their business and grow your agency. Developing solutions in-house is both time-consuming and expensive, making it particularly important to find reputable SaaS providers to partner with. That's where SaaS reseller programs, particularly white-label, come in handy. As a white-label reseller, you can offer clients industry-leading SaaS products rebranded to match your agency, all while saving time and money.

Here's how SaaS products and white-label for agencies can transform your business.

More offerings without in-house development

The best SaaS products and white-label solutions have something in common - they offer a range of solutions without the need for in-house development. As an agency, you don't have the time or resources to develop your own software solutions from the ground up. By using a white-label solution, you can offer your clients robust, trusted SaaS products without any investment in development. This means that you can focus on what you do best—growing your business—while offering the best tools to your SMB clients.

Transparent costs and profitability

SaaS products and white-label solutions make it easy to understand your costs since they are explicitly provided up-front. With white-label solutions, in particular, you can set prices that align with your agency’s price point and allow you to reach your profit goals. This cost transparency makes it easier to determine which solutions make sense to offer for your business and client base.

Integrated solutions

SaaS can often easily integrate with other solutions, making it possible to offer a more robust basket of digital solutions that work together to your clients. From email marketing and social media management to customer relationship management and SEO, you can provide your clients with a one-stop shop for all of their software needs.

White-label business opportunities

Let’s be real. Competing in the tech space is high cost and high risk, but there are means to combat these risks.

Getting listed on all of the right directories is important, but what if you want to do more for your offering? What if you could increase your sales and decrease your workload? What if you could sell additional products and services without pre-planning, hiring, training, and implementation work? And integrate it all into your existing platform with ease?

You can.

Related Reading: White-Label Business Opportunities for Entrepreneurs and Agencies

White-label products and services are customizable and rebrandable products that businesses (such as a software platform provider like yourself) can resell to clients as if they were your own. Products and services that you can rebrand, reprice, and resell; without any barriers.

Here’s what the white-label business model looks like:

Illustration of a building labeled “white-label provider (company A)”, with an arrow pointing to another building labeled “agency (company B)”, and another arrow pointing from company B to a building labeled “local business”. This illustrates the flow of white-label services from the provider through the agency to the final end user.

The scenario:

Your company (Company B) has built a platform for email marketing. You want to get your offering listed on major software review platforms such as G2 Crowd and Capterra, so you manually negotiate these listings to help gain your product more exposure. Once listed, customers (like the Local Business) have the opportunity to review Company B, and one of the consistent points of feedback is the fact that they just wish your offering included more. And it could. So, you reach out to a white-label solution provider and cloud marketplace like Vendasta (Company A) because you’ve heard that they can help. In a matter of days, you integrate resellable digital products like Vendasta’s Social Marketing, Reputation Management, and Listing software into your platform so that you can meet more client needs—all under your own brand.

The result:

Witness your profit margins climb day after day and month after month, your client satisfaction reach new heights, and your revenue per client skyrocket, without adding any additional workload.

About the Author

Brock is a Former Marketing Analyst at Vendasta with a passion for the more creative things in life. He also answers to Archie - for obvious reasons... And when he's not putting his fingers in paint, or saving Riverdale, he can usually be found asking Google one of the many more embarrassing "how to" questions.

Turn your digital agency into a scalable power house with Vendasta

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