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Programmatic Display is designed to deliver ads to your target market using geographic, categorical, demographic, and behavioral targeting.
There is no better way to reach new potential customers than with programmatic display advertising. Simply put - these are the ads that follow you around based on what you research, read about and buy. “Programmatic” can be a bit of a black box, but we make it easy with our bundled competitive blend. This combines the power of demographic, geographic, content and behavioral targeting with a retargeting ad group to engage new users and then serve them ads after they leave your site. Targeting segments can include everything from age, gender, household income to interest in a Chevy Tahoe or purchase intent for a used car. Our Competitive Blend puts your campaign’s best foot forward to produce results and draw in new customers who are already interested in your products or services. The dynamic ad units allow you to introduce your brand to these interested customers and retarget them with messages to take action. Each impression counts - reaching relevant potential customers. And then, you can also measure engagement through clicks and potential conversion tracking, if applicable.
AdCellerant is an award-winning technology and digital marketing company focused on bringing Madison Avenue level digital marketing solutions to Main Street businesses. AdCellerant has created a proprietary comprehensive digital agency software solution that supports our partner's efforts to scale sales, operations, and reporting all within a single toolkit. Our team is made up of 95 digital experts who are driven and purposeful in their execution of the company's mission. All campaigns are processed, managed, and optimized through our award-winning operations team at AdCellerant in Denver, CO. The AdCellerant Operations team members are compensated based on the success of your campaigns and are highly incentivized to make frequent optimizations, tying campaign success to our own success.
Increase your reach with an additional 20,000 impressions per month.
This add-on gives you an additional spend of $100
Increase your reach with an additional 100,000 impressions per month.
This add-on gives you an additional spend of $500
Our sales team will reach out to connect with you at your earliest convenience.