How to offer social media marketing packages at scale

You’re always wearing many hats to solve ever-evolving problems for your clients. One of the most multifaceted (multi-feathered, if you will) chapeaus in your wardrobe is that of the social marketer. And if you’re not offering your business clients social media marketing packages instead of one-off solutions, your offer is far too naked.

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Social media is a powerful and in-demand tool for lead generation, advertising, brand awareness, support and communication, and more. Consider that 71 percent of small-to-mid-sized businesses use social media to market themselves, with 52 percent of them posting at least daily (LinkedIn).

Your business needs to get in on this in a big way.

Your current clients almost definitely have a social presence—or they desperately need to get one and you’re starting from scratch.

Whether they’re looking to get started, be more efficient and data driven, ramp up volume, or take their social media strategy to the next level, social media marketing packages can be a huge win for both you and your clients.

How can you offer social media marketing packages at scale?

  1. Use a sales intelligence tool
  2. List the key performance indicators (KPIs) for social
  3. Paint them a picture of what success looks like
  4. Show how insights will continue to drive success
  5. Let them know how they’ll save time
  6. Show clients how social media can be a selling tool

Keep reading for details.

The basics of bundling social media marketing packages

Bundling digital solutions (such as social media marketing) into packages means you are grouping and pricing products together to solve a variety of complementary problems.

Packaging several items together into a comprehensive bundle is a great way to boost revenue by:

  • Upselling. Expanding and upgrading the preexisting services and solutions of long-standing clients.
  • Cross-selling. Increasing basket size by taking a client who wants to purchase one solution, and then selling them adjacent, complementary solutions to go with it.
  • Retention. Clients relying on you for more than one solution become part of your ecosystem and are less likely to take their business elsewhere.
  • New revenue streams. Social media marketing packages allow you to sell new things and solve more problems.
  • Better experience. Bundles can be custom-tailored and priced fit to an individual client’s needs for a better experience and journey.


Perhaps you already possess some social media expertise and have social media solutions to offer clients. Perhaps it’s an area you’re looking to grow. Either way, no social media marketing strategy is one size fits all.

Joining a white-label digital marketplace that offers resellable solutions is often the most powerful and effective option for companies looking to access and enhance their current digital offerings.

Reselling from a world-class online marketplace is a scalable way to strengthen and complement your area of expertise, giving you lots of opportunities to bundle and resell social media marketing packages.

Why social media marketing packages help with scaling

Speaking of scaling, increasing capacity is an important growth indicator for both your business and your clients alike.

It’s a two-way street. You must set yourself up to scale by ensuring your clients have the tools and solutions needed to scale, too.

Scaling with social media marketing packages

It’s true that some agencies and other resellers struggle with profitability and growth because they are simply not producing enough leads and traffic for their clients. Or perhaps they do not have enough clients in their roster to begin with and need to close new business.

There can be several reasons why your business is encountering a profitability issue, both simple and complex. Often, the situation is framed that the company is not doing well enough.

But consider this: What happens if your team is doing its job well—too well. You do not have the capacity to track, manage, and deliver work for all your new clients who want to give you their money.

It’s a painful conundrum. Success seems just within reach. But what are you supposed to do—not take on new business, or worse, get in over your head, deliver poor results, and sully your reputation?

This is what we mean by sustainable scaling!

Some ways in which social media marketing packages bundled from an online marketplace increase your capacity to scale include:

  • Ability to cater to a wider variety of social media marketing needs
  • Freedom to create custom packages tailored to what your clients want
  • The ability to automate workflows and save on time
  • Access to expert marketing fulfillment services
  • Reporting and results streamlined in one portal

Scaling for clients with social media marketing packages

Your clients might find managing their own social media channels a confusing time-suck. And who can blame them?

You want to help make their lives easier. An individualized, custom-tailored social media marketing package is a great way to assure that a variety of their needs are addressed as they grow their online presence.

After all, a growing audience and increased leads and sales can also reach a certain point where they become hard to sustain without the right tools.

Some ways social media marketing packages bundled from an online marketplace increase your clients’ capacity to scale:

  • Easier collaboration when managing multiple profiles and platforms
  • Baked-in productivity tools such as social calendars, post-scheduling, templates, etc.
  • Boosted consistency and increased cadence with posts
  • Easy-to-understand reporting dashboard

Positioning social media marketing packages to clients

Your clients might be skeptical when you present them with social media marketing packages. People are conditioned to want to decline additional services if they suspect it’s just a matter of upselling to make a bigger sale.

It’s important to be extremely transparent about the value of bundling social media marketing packages, and position your solutions accordingly.

1. Use a sales intelligence tool

A sales intelligence tool is a great way to position the value of your social media bundles. Tools that generate a detailed assessment of a client or prospect’s online presence, including a social media “score,” will allow you to quickly identify their missteps and opportunities.

This way, you can take a data-driven, insights-based approach when positioning the best suite of social media marketing solutions tailored to each client.

2. List the key performance indicators (KPIs) for social

You want your clients to see you as the trusted local expert that you are. Demonstrate that you know and recognize which KPIs are the most valuable to track, so that clients can rest assured that your social media marketing packages are addressing the right concerns.

Social media KPIs to track:

  • Reach
  • Impressions
  • Followers
  • Clicks
  • Likes
  • Shares
  • Comments and mentions
  • Average engagement rate
  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC)
  • Customer testimonials


It might be a little clearer why social media marketing packages are better positioned to tackle all of these separate and diverse performance indicators!

3. Paint them a picture of what success looks like

Clients might have a hard time imagining the kind of results they can achieve with your social media marketing packages, especially if they are a bit greener when it comes to the costs behind social media.

Listing KPIs might not be enough. You need to inspire! Paint a picture of what success looks like and what is possible for your clients and their businesses. Encourage your clients to read some popular social media blogs and sites, make a list of companies with social media feeds you want to emulate, find case studies, and more.

Create a clear vision for where you want to bring them and why.

4. Show how insights will continue to drive success

To prove that the social media marketing packages you’ve bundled and curated for clients are helping them achieve their goals, you need to provide them with a deep understanding of their performance. What’s more, you want to clearly tie that performance to your social marketing efforts.

Streamlining and automating your reporting for ongoing insight-driven success is simple with a tool like Executive Report.

For clients, they get a more robust understanding about how all of their social marketing solutions (and other products you’ve purchased and bundled from the online marketplace) are working in tandem to drive engagement and revenue.

For your business, you can ensure that you’re analyzing all of your clients’ social platforms, ad campaigns, and more all in one place. Nothing will slip through the cracks, which means you will be able to plan better for tomorrow using insights from today to create long-lasting success and retention.

5. Let them know how they’ll save time

We all know the adage: Time is money. Giving the gift of time back to your clients with increased efficiency is close to priceless—making social media marketing packages an easy sell.

When you’re looking to bundle solutions, make sure to highlight a few time-saving advantages:

  • Multi-location posting. No more tedious, manual posting for different locations and pages.
  • Access to assets. With high-quality stock images, your posts will pop along with your engagement. For example, tweets with images get approximately 18 percent more clicks and 150 percent more retweets than tweets without (Metigy).
  • Automated publishing cadence. Compose and schedule posts to be published without any manual elbow grease.
  • Easy RSS feeds. Pull and post content to curate the perfect feed, quickly and easily.
  • Collaborate on content. Let your clients know that they no longer have to spend tedious hours trying to come up with content alone. Your social media packages can include white-label social post copy writing, so your clients get the benefit of a trusted team of experts posting on their behalf.

6. Social media is a selling tool

Finally, revenue is key. Show clients how they can attract, convert, close, and grow relationships with more customers using social media marketing.

Social media marketing packages can facilitate adding value in a few different ways:

  • Quality, relevant, perfectly timed content on social can convert more customers
  • An active and consistent social media presence boosts brand awareness and credibility
  • Plan and execute social media giveaways, sales, and try-before-you-buy products
  • Communicate with customers to manage reputation and get important feedback

White-label fulfillment to break through the profitability ceiling

The inability to scale sustainably is one of the biggest challenges to profitability. Social media marketing packages are not as profitable unless you can offer them at scale.

Thankfully, you can.

Joining a white-label online marketplace not only means you gain access to a huge pool of pre-vetted, high-performing products to bundle into the perfect packages. But you can also add white-label social media content to the packages to offload this time-consuming task while still providing high-value content for clients.

Working under your brand, the fulfillment team integrates seamlessly with yours so that collaboration comes easy. Stay on top of digital trends, strategize together to drive engagement, and benefit from proven processes.

It really is the full package.

About the Author

Domenica Martinello is a Content Marketing Specialist at Vendasta and her diverse career has revolved around an appreciation for storytelling, education, mentorship, and facilitation. She has taught English Literature to college students, published a book, worked in EdTech, and cut her teeth at an inbound marketing agency. Off hours, you can find her reading, writing poems, and playing with makeup (not all at once).

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