How to find a WordPress agency hosting solution (and why it should be Website Pro)

If you create websites for clients, finding an exceptional reseller hosting solution can help you turn those one-off website projects into a steady stream of recurring revenue. Hosting is the often unsung hero of everything from website UX to SEO performance, so your choice of WordPress agency hosting partner can play a significant role in the quality of the digital services you deliver.

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Not only will your clients appreciate partnering with a quality WordPress hosting agency, but the right hosting provider will also make your life much easier by giving you the tools to effectively manage your clients’ hosting at scale. In this article, we’re going to cover all the essential facts you need to know about choosing managed WordPress hosting for agencies. We’ll also offer some valuable tips for managing client WordPress sites, and suggestions for the best WordPress hosting for agencies available on the market.

What to consider when choosing a WordPress agency hosting solution

There is no shortage of WordPress agency hosting out there, so it can be easy to get bogged down in the details of what different platforms offer. Cut through the noise by focusing on these five essential criteria that the best WordPress hosting for agencies should meet. These are the most important determinants of how well a hosting solution will work for you as well as your clients.

1. Fast loading times and reliable site performance

In the age of short attention spans and high expectations for lightning-fast internet, website performance and speed are non-negotiable elements of maintaining a positive user experience and scoring high search engine rankings. Your WordPress agency hosting solution should provide reliable and rapid loading times that will minimize bounce rates and consistent top-notch performance throughout the visitor’s journey. Look for providers that use trusted hosting platforms, such as the Google Cloud Platform or AWS.

2. Effortless scaling and flexible configurations

As a WordPress hosting agency, you should be able to effortlessly accommodate the expanding needs of your clients. If their business grows, their hosting solution should seamlessly grow with them. Similarly, as your agency grows, you’ll want a solution that can easily expand to handle a bigger client base.

Since some clients require extra server configurations and customizations, such as software installations, you’ll want a hosting solution that enables you to make custom configurations as needed.

3. Around-the-clock support

Even the most seasoned digital professionals need support from time to time. Responsive and knowledgeable customer support will come in handy for resolving any issues that arise with your clients’ hosting. Look for hosting providers that offer 24/7 support through various channels such as phone, email, or live chat. That way, if anything does go awry with your client sites, you can deal with the problem before it snowballs into something more significant.

4. Top-notch security and automatic backups

Protecting your client's data should be a top priority for any WordPress hosting agency. A trustworthy hosting solution should offer robust security features, including SSL certificates, firewalls, malware scanning, and intrusion detection systems.

Look for a WordPress agency hosting solution that also conducts regular backups, which can be a valuable safeguard in the event of an unforeseen crash or data breach. A provider with an excellent track record for prioritizing security will not only protect your clients' assets but also strengthen your agency's reputation.

5. Affordable, transparent, and flexible pricing and billing

Look for a hosting solution that offers the ability to easily manage and allocate costs across clients, giving your agency the transparency needed to maintain a clear and accurate overview of your expenditures.

As you compare pricing plans for managed WordPress hosting for agencies, take note of any hidden fees or long-term commitments that may be associated with specific hosting solutions. Opt for providers that offer a range of pricing tiers and flexible billing options, enabling your agency to scale its hosting services in tandem with its growth.

Best practices for hosting and managing client WordPress sites

Managing multiple client WordPress sites is a complex task that requires the right tools and approach. Managing a few websites manually may be possible, but as your agency grows, you’ll need purpose-built solutions and processes to get the job done and ensure every client is well taken care of.

The following best practices will help your WordPress hosting agency shine even when managing multiple sites, ensuring that each site runs smoothly and securely.

Create an efficient, reliable project management workflow

To manage multiple sites effectively, it’s important to establish a standardized workflow that can be replicated across all client projects. Utilizing project management tools like Task Manager can ensure a streamlined process, making it easy to assign tasks and monitor progress. A well-organized workflow will not only make it easier to manage multiple sites but also ensure that no client site falls through the cracks.

Another significant, and sometimes overlooked, part of your process should be the creation of a communication plan with your clients. Set a schedule that works for both of you to keep them informed about their website’s performance and to raise any concerns that arise. This will foster trust and help you maintain strong relationships, even in the unlikely event that there is an issue with their hosting.

Prioritize security and backups

The security of your clients' websites should always be a top priority. Install reliable security and backup plugins to ensure each site is secure and data is protected. A couple of trusted examples include iThemes Security for its comprehensive suite of security features, and UpdraftPlus for its ease of use and robust backup capabilities. By using highly trusted security plugins, you can provide your clients with peace of mind knowing their sites are well-protected.

Track performance analytics

Regularly monitoring website performance is a must for ensuring an optimal user experience and maintaining high search engine rankings. Use industry-leading tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track key performance metrics, like page load times, bounce rates, conversion rates, and user engagement.

Analyzing this data will allow you to identify areas of improvement and make necessary adjustments to enhance website performance. For example, you might see that visitors tend to bounce on a certain page, and optimizing it for faster load times can address the issue.

Become the best WordPress hosting agency for customer support

Consistent communication with clients is a cornerstone of successful website management. Set up regular touchpoints to discuss updates, maintenance, questions, and concerns. Providing quality customer support and responding to problems promptly will not only keep your clients satisfied but also help identify potential issues before they escalate.

Consider creating a ticketing system to manage client requests as they come in and ensure that each concern is addressed on time. This level of organization will demonstrate your agency's commitment to providing excellent customer service.

Stay on top of industry trends and developments

The world of WordPress agency hosting is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay on top of what’s new in the industry. Regularly monitor new WordPress updates, emerging security vulnerabilities, and other industry developments to ensure your agency remains at the forefront of digital solutions.

What’s the best way to do this? Consider subscribing to industry blogs, attending webinars, or joining online forums to keep your finger on the pulse of the latest news.

WordPress agency hosting providers to consider

If you’re new to researching WordPress agency hosting options, we’ve got you started with 5 reputable providers that are worth your consideration.

Website Pro by Vendasta

One of the most important things to look for when choosing your WordPress agency hosting provider is the underlying hosting platform they use, and Website Pro uses the very best: Google Cloud Platform.

Why does this matter? Google Cloud Platform has the most up-to-date infrastructure in the world, meaning that the network of servers, data centers, and other hardware and software that is used to deliver hosting services is super current. The result is lightning-fast page speeds, no matter where in the world a browser is visiting from.

When it comes to security, Website Pro and Google Cloud Platform excel, with SSL certificates included with every site and robust security features that will protect your client sites from malicious actors.

WP Engine

WP Engine is a respected provider in the hosting space, with reliable hosting options from a range of major platforms, including Google Cloud Platform, AWS, Cloudflare, and others. It offers impressive uptime and page-loading speeds for WordPress sites.

It is also one of the more expensive WordPress agency hosting options, and users may find the setup process to be prohibitively complicated.


Cloudways is, as its name implies, a cloud hosting platform. It stands out for being user-friendly even for those with limited experience, thanks to the simple setup process and an intuitive user dashboard. If users do run into issues, live chat is always available to help.

It is on the costlier side, and some users may not appreciate the fact that support staff can access website code, potentially posing a security risk.


Flywheel is purpose-built for hosting WordPress sites and includes features that WordPress hosting agencies will appreciate, such as tools for managing workflow. It isn’t quite as customizable as other options, since users don’t have full access to backend developer tools, but this won’t be an issue for many users.

A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting offers affordable managed WordPress hosting for agencies and boasts high speeds and built-in security features. One key security feature needs a bit of extra attention, and that’s automatic backups. They aren’t automatically set up with plans, and you’ll have to pay extra to enable them, so this is worth taking note of before signing up.

Why Website Pro is the best WordPress hosting for agencies

Website Pro, a hosting solution provided by Vendasta, is tailor-made to meet the unique needs of agencies managing WordPress websites for their clients. Combining high-performance hosting with advanced features, streamlined management, and top-notch support, Website Pro is the best choice for agencies seeking a reliable, professional hosting solution.

Here's why Website Pro stands out as the best WordPress hosting for agencies:

1. Secure, reliable, and high-performance hosting

Website Pro delivers a robust, Google-powered hosting environment that ensures your clients' websites are secure, accessible, and running smoothly at all times. Website Pro helps agencies maintain sites that deliver on user experience and positive search engine rankings, ultimately contributing to client satisfaction.

2. Purpose-built for multi-site management

Agencies managing multiple clients' WordPress websites will appreciate the convenience and efficiency of Website Pro's single-dashboard management, the Website Admin Dashboard. This centralized platform simplifies the monitoring and management of updates, backups, and security measures for each site, allowing agencies to stay on top of their client's online presence with ease.

3. Packed with features for easy website management

Website Pro offers a range of advanced features designed to save time and reduce the risk of website downtime or data loss. Automated updates ensure that WordPress installations and plugins remain up-to-date, while daily backups and SSL certificates safeguard client data and maintain a secure browsing experience for users. These features enable agencies to focus on their core competencies, rather than spending valuable time on website maintenance.

4. Agency-centric pricing and white-labeling options

As a website builder and hosting solution designed specifically for agencies, Website Pro offers flexible pricing plans that enable you to sell more while making a profit. Plus, the platform includes white-labeling options, from a completely rebrandable interface to white-label experts available to build and manage websites under your agency’s banner.

5. Access to 24/7 technical support

Prompt and efficient technical support is a vital aspect of any WordPress agency hosting solution, and Website Pro shines in this area. With 24/7 support from Vendasta's team of experts, agencies can quickly resolve any issues that arise with their clients' websites, ensuring uninterrupted performance and bolstering client confidence. Whether you prefer phone, email, or chat, you’ll never have to wait to get the support you need.

Frequently asked questions

Which hosting company is best for WordPress?

Hosting companies with hosting solutions that are created specifically for WordPress are better than generic options. For example, Vendasta’s Website Pro comes with WordPress-specific website hosting.

Do I need a hosting provider for WordPress?

Yes, you need a hosting provider for a self-hosted WordPress site. WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that can be used to create and manage websites, but it needs to be installed on a web server to be accessible on the internet.

About the Author

Lawrence Dy is the SEO Strategy Manager at Vendasta. His career spans from starting as a Jr. Copywriter in the automotive industry to becoming a Senior Editorial Content Manager in various digital marketing niches. Outside of work, Lawrence moonlights as a music producer/beatmaker and spends time with friends and family.

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