30 Digital Advertising Statistics: Mobile, Video, and More [Infographic]

While the world of online marketing has expanded far beyond paid advertising, advertising still plays a very important role in generating revenue and business. Digital advertising is the top of the "new advertising stack," and it's what can create brand awareness, drive sales, and create visibility across a variety of channels that are oversaturated with businesses trying to stand out.

Although there are many new players in the online marketing landscape like email, social media, and reputation, digital advertising isn't set to slow down yet—a statement that's underlined by the fact that ad spend is set to grow from $83 billion in 2017 to over $129 billion by 2021 (DMB Adobe).

What does this mean for you and your clients? It means that as a specialist in local marketing, you need to know the best channels and strategies for offering digital advertising to your clients. That's why we've compiled this list of top advertising stats in 2017 so you can spend your clients dollars where it matters, and get them the ROI they need to thrive in the digital world.

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 digital advertising stats for 2017

Statistics about Digital Advertising

1. Digital ad spend is set to grow from $83 billion this year to $129+ billion by 2021

2. Google and Facebook are set to rake in 63.1% of digital ad spend in 2017

3. Google has +20% y/y advertising revenue growth, Facebook has +62% y/y growth

4. 39% of marketers list search engine marketing as their top business priority for 2017

5. Marketers that invest over 10% of their budgets on measurement are three times more likely to beat their sales targets by 25% or more
6. 56% of advertising use engagement to measure success, 21% use conversion & revenue

7. 34% of social media marketers list "tying social campaigns to business goals" as a top challenge

Recommended Reading: How Agencies Are Making 4,000+% ROI With White Label PPC

Video Advertising Statistics for 2018

8. 2017's video advertising spend is $13.23 billion, and projected to reach $22.18 billion by 2021

9. 68% of consumers feel positively about watching video ads for mobile app rewards

10. 52% of marketers believe that video is effective for brand awareness

11. Online shoppers who view demo videos are 1.81x more likely to purchase than non-viewers

12. 51.9 percent of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI

13. According to retailers, video can account for a 40% increase in purchases

14. Mobile shoppers are 3x as likely to watch a video than desktop shoppers

15. 46% of users act after viewing an ad

16. 80% of consumers remember a video ad they viewed in the past 30 days

17. Combining video with full-page ads boosts engagement by 22 percent

18. Ecommerce sellers find that using product videos increases product purchases by 144%

19. Video ad completion rate for videos 15 seconds long is 93-95%, with 30 second videos seeing a completion rate of 92-93%

20. Over half of video advertising is viewed on mobile

Recommended Reading: Quick Video Ad Scripts & Tips For Your Clients to Promote Themselves on Facebook

Mobile Advertising Statistics

21. Americans spend 71% of their online time on mobile, with with Canada and the UK coming in at 62% and 61% respectively

22. Average smartphone conversion rates are up by 64%

23. Mobile advertising accounts for $37 billion of the $73 billion total ad spend (51%)

24. 81% of consumers feel negatively about mobile add pop-ups

25. Mobile accounts for 60% of click share on Google Search ads, compared to desktop's 32%

26. Search ad spending on mobile is set to rise by 25% in 2017

Recommended Reading: How Digital Advertising Spillover Affects your Organic SEO

Social Media Advertising Statistics

27. 70% of advertisers plan to increase their mobile social advertising budget in 2017

28. 26% of Facebook Users that click ads make a purchase

29. Images account for 75-90% of Facebook advertising effectivity/performance

30. The best headline length for a Facebook ad is four words, with 15 for the description.

Recommended Reading: 163 Stunning Social Media Stats to Savor [Infographic]

Sources: DMB Adobe, 2017 | Smart Insights, 2017 | KPCB, 2017 | Digital Marketing Depot, 2017 | eMarketer, 2017 | CMS Report | WordStream, 2017 | Small Biz Trends, 2016 | WowMakers, 2016

Now that you know just how important digital advertising is for local businesses, why not get into the business yourself? You can offer clients digital advertising services and drive real results for their business with white label digital advertising. Or, grab our guide and read up on how to conquer the two advertising giants: Facebook and Google.

About the Author

Dew is the a former Managing Editor at Vendasta, but will also respond to "content juggler," "blog wrangler," and "internet explorer." Speaking in fluent pop culture references, and Googling at the speed of sound, she is always looking for new and innovative ways to stretch her creative muscles.

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