Innovating Your Client Prospecting With AI Proposal Generators

Online Proposal Software for Agencies & Enterprises | Vendasta

No one ever said the sales funnel was easy, and one of the biggest hurdles along the way is designing a convincing proposal that a prospect may or may not accept in the end. Proposal building takes time, resources, and experience to put together—time that could be better spent capturing more leads. 

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AI proposal generators analyze data, generate customized proposals, and even offer suggestions for improvement. With these tools at your disposal, you can spend a heck of a lot less time on paperwork and more time building relationships with potential clients. Ready to say goodbye to tedious manual tasks and hello to a more streamlined and productive workflow? Of course, you are. Keep reading to find out what all the hype is about.

What is an AI proposal generator?

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) proposal generator is like having a digital assistant dedicated to crafting winning proposals for your business. It leverages the power of AI to analyze data from various sources, such as client information, industry trends, and past proposals, to generate personalized content tailored to your specific needs. 

AI proposal generators can sift through vast amounts of data in seconds, extracting key insights and identifying the most relevant information to include in your proposal. It then organizes this information into cohesive sections, such as executive summaries, project details, timelines, and pricing structures.

Also, many proposal generators offer customizable templates that you can easily edit and fine-tune to align with your brand's voice and style. It provides suggestions and recommendations based on best practices and past successes, helping you optimize your content for the biggest impact.

With a proposal generator using AI, you no longer have to start each and every proposal from scratch or spend hours drafting them manually. Instead, you can streamline the process and increase your chances of closing deals by delivering polished, professional proposals in a fraction of the time.

Also see: How to start an AI Agency with no experience

Benefits of using an AI proposal generator

If what you’ve been hearing so far sounds like music to your ears, buckle in, because we just got started on the perks. Let’s take a look at some:

Time-saving efficiency

Using an AI proposal generator significantly reduces the time and effort required to create proposals. By automating the process of drafting and formatting documents, you can generate professional-quality proposals in a fraction of the time it would take to do it manually. 

This time-saving efficiency allows you to allocate your resources more effectively, focusing on other essential tasks that require your attention, like managing your web agency website or improving your SEO. This is especially useful if you’re just starting up your agency.

Pro Tip: Sometimes, your website visitors need a little push to get the customer journey going. With the help of AI web design, you can leverage chatbots to answer frequently asked questions and perform simple tasks such as demo bookings. 

Enhanced quality and consistency

Mistakes happen, and that is par for the course of being human—but what if we could remove ourselves from the equation entirely? An AI proposal generator ensures that your proposals are always consistent in their quality and branding. It can identify key information, propose suitable solutions, and present them clearly and compellingly. This consistency makes you look good while also instilling confidence in your potential clients, increasing the likelihood of closing that sweet sweet deal.

Customization and personalization

One of the main advantages of an AI proposal generator is its ability to customize and personalize proposals based on your clients’ requirements. Whether it's adjusting the language, formatting, or content to align with their industry or unique preferences, AI can create tailored proposals that better resonate with your audience.

Also see: A guide to make money with AI art and unlock creative potential

Increased productivity and efficiency

There is no denying that by dealing with fewer manual tasks you and your team can focus time on more important things like lead generation. This increased productivity allows you to generate more proposals in less time, ultimately leading to improved client acquisition and making more money all with the help of AI.

Challenges of using an AI Proposal Generator

As we said earlier, doing sales is hard, so let's approach the concept of AI proposal generators with a dash of realism and a pinch of practicality:

A human touch

Sure, AI is cool and all, but let's not forget the power of the human touch. While an AI proposal generator can work wonders, it's no substitute for good old-fashioned human intuition. Users may find themselves needing to step in and add that personal flair that only a human can provide. 

After all, nobody knows your client's quirks and preferences better than you do.


As with any tool, perfection doesn't come pre-packaged. While an AI Proposal Generator can churn out proposals faster than you can say "deal," it's essential to remember the importance of editing. It might be necessary to perform some post-AI editing to guarantee accuracy, relevance, and the all-important wow factor. Think of it as putting the final polish on a masterpiece—sometimes, the devil is in the details.

The learning curve

Let's face it—learning something new can be a bit daunting, and some folks might not be as gung-ho about it as you are. Users dipping their toes into it for the first time may encounter a learning curve along the way. From mastering the ins and outs of the tool's interface to fine-tuning their proposal-writing prowess, there may be a few bumps in the road to full adoption.

In fact, while researching this topic, we found very polarizing views on AI proposal generators, with some users singing their praises while others ranting about how confusing they were. 

But fear not—users who are persistent and patient enough will soon be able to navigate the AI landscape like a pro. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is mastery of an AI proposal generator.

How to use an AI Proposal Generator to win prospects over

1. Input Your Data

First things first, add your data. Begin by inputting all the necessary information into the AI proposal generator of your choice. This includes client details, project specifications, and any other relevant data points. The more information you provide, the more tailored and targeted your proposal will be. So, don't hold back—give the AI all the juicy details it needs to work its magic.

2. Choose Your Template

Once your data is in place, it's time to get creative. Browse through the selection of templates available and choose the one that best suits your needs. Whether you're going for sleek and professional or bold and eye-catching, there's a template to match every digital agency’s style. Don't be afraid to experiment—try out different options until you find the perfect fit.

3. Tailor Your Proposal

Now comes the fun part—customization! With the basic framework in place, it's time to add those personal touches that will make your proposal stand out and more likely land a sale. Customize the content generated by the algorithm, tweak the design, and add any additional elements that you think it needs. Remember, the goal is to create a proposal that feels like it was tailor-made just for your prospect. So, don't be afraid to get creative and let your personality shine through.

4. Polish Your Proposal

Before you hit send, take a moment to review and refine your proposal. Check for any errors or inconsistencies, and make sure all the information is accurate and up-to-date. Pay close attention to the little details—like formatting and grammar—that can make a big difference in how your proposal is perceived. Once you're satisfied that everything is just right, it's time to send your masterpiece out into the world and win those prospects over.

Tips and best practices for maximizing your proposal builder

Here’s some advice directly from our in-house experts to help you get the most out of your AI proposal generator:

Understand your audience

Before diving into proposal creation, take the time to understand your prospects's needs, preferences, and pain points. This will help you tailor your proposals to reflect the value of your offerings better.

Input quality data

One little mistake can make or break the trust you worked hard to build up with your prospect. So, it’s important to understand that the accuracy and relevance of your proposals depend on the quality of the data you input. Ensure that all information provided is up-to-date, relevant, and accurate to create the most compelling proposals.

Experiment with templates

Instead of sticking to a single template, try out a variety of formats and styles to see what suits your audience and brand the best. When choosing templates, bear in mind elements like readability, aesthetic appeal, and brand coherence.

Pro tip: Just like the accessibility features most likely found on your marketing agency website, consider any special requirements your prospect may need and tailor your proposal to accommodate them. Are they visually or audibly impaired? Do they have dyslexia? Going the extra mile can make all the difference in who a prospect with disabilities decides to do business with.

Review and Revise

Always always always review your proposals before sending them out. Check for errors, inconsistencies, and formatting issues. Take the time to revise and refine the content to ensure clarity and professionalism.

Seek Feedback

Don't hesitate to seek feedback from colleagues or mentors on your proposals. Constructive feedback can help you identify areas for improvement and refine your and your AI’s proposal writing skills over time.

Track Performance

Monitor the performance of your proposals by tracking metrics like open rates, response rates, and conversion rates. Use this data to identify what's working well and what can be improved in future proposals.

Did you know? You can enable your sales team with better prospecting, smarter outreach, and faster sales—all from one platform.

Vendasta’s sales solutions (powered by AI marketing automation), opportunity management, sales collaboration, contact management, scheduling, and many CRM integrations help you sell faster and more efficiently while optimizing your sales process.

Also see: AI for coding

Top 5 AI Proposal Generator Tools

We combed the internet and selected a handful of the top-performing platforms according to the popular software directory, G2. Let’s compare and contrast their pros and cons to help you find the right AI proposal generator tool for your business.

1. Vendasta's Proposal Builder

(Source, G2)

Vendasta offers a comprehensive proposal builder that integrates seamlessly with its vast platform. It allows users to create customized proposals, add branding elements, and track proposal progress. Vendasta's proposal builder is designed specifically for agencies and businesses looking to streamline their sales processes. Pricing varies depending on the subscription level. 


  • Customer Service
  • Customer Support
  • Service Variety
  • Helpfulness


  • Limitations
  • Learning Curve
  • Complex Usage
  • Higher Pricing

(Source, G2)

Learn more about Vendasta's Proposal Builder

2. Proposify

(Source, G2)

Proposify is a user-friendly proposal software that offers customizable templates, electronic signatures, and real-time collaboration features. It allows users to track proposal progress and analyze client engagement. Pricing starts at $49 per user per month.


  • Ease of Use
  • Templates
  • Easy Creation
  • Customer Support
  • Time-Saving


  • Difficult Editing
  • Form Issues
  • Slow Performance
  • Learning Curve
  • Limited Features

(Source, G2)

Explore Proposify

3. PandaDoc

(Source, G2)

PandaDoc offers a comprehensive suite of proposal generation tools, including drag-and-drop editors, e-signatures, and document analytics. It integrates with popular CRM platforms like Salesforce and HubSpot. Pricing plans start at $35 per user per month on a monthly plan, or $19 per user per month if billed annually. 


  • Ease of Use
  • Signatures
  • Templates
  • Customer Support
  • User-Friendly Interface


  • Expensive
  • Form Issues
  • Limited Customization
  • Signature Issues
  • Can be Confusing

(Source, G2)

Discover PandaDoc

4. Qwilr

(Source, G2)

Qwilr is known for its visually stunning proposal templates and interactive features. It allows users to embed videos, images, and interactive pricing tables into their proposals. Pricing starts at $39 per user billed monthly, or $35 per month when billed annually.


  • Ease of Use
  • Templates
  • Customer Support
  • Easy Creation
  • Time-Saving


  • Limited Customization
  • Expensive
  • Form Issues
  • Color Limitations
  • Can be Confusing

(Source, G2)

Check out Qwilr

5. Better Proposals

(Source, G2)

Better Proposals offers a simple yet powerful proposal creation platform with customizable templates, digital signatures, and proposal tracking features. It is known for its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing. Plans start at $19 per month.


  • Ease of Setup
  • Affordable 


  • Learning Curve
  • Doc Export Issues

(Source, G2)

Learn More about Better Proposals

Each of these AI Proposal Generator tools has its own unique features and pricing models, so be sure to explore them further to find the best fit for your digital marketing agency’s needs.


About the Author

Lawrence Dy is the SEO Strategy Manager at Vendasta. His career spans from starting as a Jr. Copywriter in the automotive industry to becoming a Senior Editorial Content Manager in various digital marketing niches. Outside of work, Lawrence moonlights as a music producer/beatmaker and spends time with friends and family.

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