Vendasta’s Aparna Amrit on how to develop your next social media strategy presentation

For any agency that offers social media management, creating a relevant and targeted social media strategy presentation to hook clients is a key element to attracting and retaining their business. At its foundation, digital marketing agencies are most successful when they ensure all aspects of a client’s online presence are working together to help them get noticed in their market. Social media is a key element of that success.

Ensure you create content that connects with your audience by downloading our free “White-label social media checklist” now.

In this blog, we share tips from Vendasta’s Senior Product Manager Aparna Amrit on the winning elements to weave into your next social media strategy presentation.

Amrit covers the fundamentals, as well as the tools to use for creating a winning social media strategy presentation. She also shares her take on how agencies should be leveraging the latest advancements in AI to craft social media content. Let’s dig into it.

What is a social media strategy presentation?

A social media strategy presentation is a document or presentation that outlines your agency’s plan for using social media to achieve your client’s business goals. The presentation typically includes an analysis of the client's target audience, the platforms the agency will use to reach them, the types of content you will create and share, and the metrics you will use to measure success.

The social media presentation should provide a clear roadmap for how the agency plans to use social media to:

  • Engage with the client’s audience
  • Build brand awareness
  • Drive website traffic
  • Generate leads
  • Increase sales or revenue

It should also identify any potential challenges or risks, as well as strategies for mitigating those risks.

Crafting your next social media strategy presentation: Setting the foundation

With over 16 years in the technology space, Vendasta’s Aparna Amrit has a background as a mechanical engineer with a Master’s in Business Administration. She has experience as a technical writer, business analyst, IT project manager, and product manager.

After working with John Deere Technology Center for 13 years, Amrit came to work at Vendasta in 2020. She has since made a name for herself by getting to know the needs of agency partners and their local business clients intimately. She leverages her background and passion for all things digital to influence the advancement of our foundational online presence and social media strategy solutions.

“I am passionate about problem-solving and like to work with like-minded professionals to learn, unlearn, mentor, guide, or share my experiences,” Amrit says.

As Senior Product Manager for Vendasta’s social media management platform Social Marketing, she shares three foundational elements for agencies to include in their next social media strategy presentation.

  • Create more targeted and relevant social media strategies that resonate with individual customers, resulting in higher engagement and loyalty. By understanding an audience’s demographics, interests, and behaviors, agencies can help tailor content accordingly,  producing engaging visuals, compelling copy, and relevant hashtags that will see higher engagement.
  • Stay agile with flexibility to adapt your social media strategy presentation. Agencies should emphasize the need for agility and adaptability in social media strategies, and discuss how they can stay up to date with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices to ensure ongoing success. Agencies can encourage clients to be open to experimenting and iterating.
  • Keep performance metrics and analysis top of mind. Monitoring and analyzing social media performance metrics are essential for optimizing strategies over time. Agencies should discuss with their clients the importance of setting measurable objectives, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs), and regularly analyzing data to refine and improve social media strategies. You’ll want to look at how posts are performing, how engagement is tracking on the posts, and whether any adjustment to the strategy is needed to achieve the goals set out in your social media strategy presentation.

“Agencies should focus on super serving their local business clients. To be able to effectively help clients manage their social media communities, the focus should be on engaging with followers, responding to comments and messages, and fostering meaningful interactions to build customer relationships and brand loyalty.”

Aparna Amrit

Senior Product Manager, Vendasta

What are the 7 steps to create an effective social media strategy presentation?

Accordingly to Amrit, your agency’s social media strategy presentation should include SMART goals, which stand for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

“You should set up specific goals that are measurable, timebound, and help define a client’s target audience by the jobs they need to get done. From there, your agency can develop the proper strategies and engagement tactics to effectively reach that audience.”

To get started, here are the steps your agency should take:

  • Step one: Define the problem to be solved with what and why. Identify the challenge or opportunity that your client is facing, and determine how social media can help solve the problem or take advantage of the opportunity.
  • Step two: Define the social media goals. Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals that align with your client’s overall business objectives and that can be tracked and evaluated over time.
  • Step three: Identify the target audience. Understand who your client’s ideal customer is, including their demographics, interests, pain points, and online behaviors, so that you can tailor your social media content and messaging to resonate with them.
  • Step four: Choose or suggest the right social media platforms. Determine which social media channels the target audience uses the most and align the content strategy with those platforms to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Step five: Develop a content strategy. Create a plan for the types of content you will create and share on social media, including a mix of promotional, educational, and entertaining content that reflects your client’s brand voice and values.
  • Step six: Plan for engagement. Establish a process for responding to comments, messages, and reviews on social media, and engage with followers in a way that is authentic, helpful, and on-brand.
  • Step seven: Measure and optimize. Use social media analytics to track the performance of content and campaigns, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your strategy accordingly to ensure that you are meeting your goals and delivering value to your client and their audience.

When crafting the social media strategy presentation for your clients, Amrit recommends striving for alignment on a few key elements.

“Agencies need to align with their clients on the problem they are solving, what the impact to the local business client will be, as well as what success will look like. From there agencies will need to gain approval on the strategy and content before it goes live. You should also agree on a timeline for goals and milestones,” Amrit says.

When it comes to the tools your agency can use for crafting your next social media strategy presentation, Amrit suggests a few of her go-to’s.

“I have used Canva, Vendasta’s Proposal Builder, and Powtoon. Google slides are also very helpful, simple, and easy to use.”

AI-generated content changes the game for agencies offering social media services to their clients

The recent explosion in AI-generated content has completely changed the game for agencies reselling social media services to their clients.

“With the advent of advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms, machine learning models, and deep learning techniques, AI can now generate high-quality social media content, including text, images, videos, and even entire social media campaigns,” Amrit says.

“The use of AI in social media services has transformed the way agencies approach content creation, making it more efficient, effective, and scalable, ultimately driving better results for their client’s social media marketing efforts.”

Recommended Reading: Vendasta releases new AI marketing integration for responding to online reviews and social posting

Tip for developing prompts for AI-generated social media content

“Crafting effective prompts is an iterative process that requires experimentation, refinement, and understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the AI model you are working with,” Amrit says.

She continues by outlining a few guidelines to help agencies get started:

  1. Be clear, specific, and detailed. The more instruction you can give, the better the result.
  2. Use context, cues, roles, and expected outcomes. To craft a prompt for an AI-generated image, you can use phrasing like: Create a portrait photograph of a Brazilian girl that captures the essence of culture. The photograph should be in natural lighting that complements her skin tone and color with a subtle background.
  3. Experiment with different phrasing. Continuing to add more details to your prompt until AI generates a satisfactory result.
  4. Iterate and refine. Don’t go in using the same prompts time and time again, expecting a better result. As you learn and develop as a user of AI, the technology itself is also evolving. Experiment with new ways of asking for the content you need and discover what delivers the best results for your clients.

“In today's digital landscape, social media has become a crucial channel for businesses to connect with their audiences. During a social media strategy presentation, agencies should highlight the importance of leveraging AI to optimize their clients' social media efforts,” Amrit explains.

By utilizing AI-powered tools for content creation, scheduling, sentiment analysis, and chatbots, agencies can streamline their processes, save time and resources, personalize content, and gain valuable insights from data.

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About the Author

Nicole Lauzon is a Content Marketing Manager at Vendasta and has spent the last decade of her career helping local businesses tell their stories. Kickstarting her professional journey as a writer and producer for a major Canadian television network, Nicole would later spend five years as a PR Agency Creative Director, managing brand journalism, social media, blog and video content for corporate, non-profit and local business clients. Whether Nicole is marinating over her next piece of writing or enjoying some down time with her family, she likes doing it in floral print.

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