Marketing Dictionary: Definitions and Jargon You Need To Know

We have all been there—in the middle of a conversation when someone throws out a word, phrase, or acronym that has you completely stumped. You are having an intellectual conversation and, suddenly, your brain stops because it has just heard a word it’s never heard before. 

I am sure marketers everywhere have run into this awkward scenario. It’s really hard to keep up with trending marketing definitions or jargon in one’s respective industry.

We’ve piled up a comprehensive list of words you are likely to hear, especially in the digital marketing world. Read these, understand them and use them to trump others in your industry, especially those trendy millennials who seem to be generating new vocab daily.

We call this our Marketing Dictionary, and it defines all of the digital marketing lingo you are likely to hear in the digital world today.



Advertainment [ad-ver-teyn-muh nt]  

  1. Term used in describing the relationship between advertising and entertainment in media companies.
  2. Primarily focused on engaging audiences in entertaining advertisement, usually involving some type of media influence.

Example Sentence: “That advertainment campaign had Heidi rolling on the floor laughing!”

Agile Marketing [aj-uh l mahr-ki-ting] 

  1. Based off agile software development methods, agile marketing promotes flexibility and collaboration.
  2. Promotes adaptation and breaks down slow-moving formalities in the marketing process.  

Example Sentence: “Our marketing team collaborates and works in sprints in order to keep up the pace, it’s called agile marketing.”

Amplify [am-pluh-fahy] 

  1. To grow or increase something. Most commonly used with sales teams or growth discussions.

Example Sentence: “We would really like to amplify the generation of sales leads in the upcoming quarter. ”

Analytics [an-l-it-iks] 

  1. Detailed statistical reporting; usually about web traffic, conversion, or sales trends.
  2. Google analytics is the industry leading software provider of analytics and many media companies rely on Google Analytics for statistical analysis.

Example Sentence: “Pull up the analytics on web traffic this month, I’d like to see how many visitors our website has had.”

Anchor Text [ang-ker tekst]

  1. Text that is clickable (usually highlighted in blue) that takes the user to another site via hyperlinks.

Example Sentence: “Wikipedia seems to always fill their writing with anchor text to other Wikipedia pages!”


B2B [biz-nis to biz-nis] 

  1. Business to business. Term used to describe the process where one business makes a deal or transaction with another business.

Example Sentence: “Vendasta offers a B2B solution that allows potential partners to grow and expand their company towards success.

B2C [biz-nis to kuh n-soo-mer] 

  1. Business to consumer. Term used to describe the process where one business makes a deal or transaction with a consumer.

Example Sentence: “Retail stores are an example of a B2C sales model.”

Backlink [baklingk] 

  1. When one webpage hyperlinks to another website; very popular in blogging and creative writing.

Example Sentence: “Try and get more backlinks on your blog, it will help it rank better on Google.”

Barnacle SEO [bahr-nuh-kuh l S-E-O]

  1. a.k.a Parasite SEO. “Attaching oneself to a large fixed object and waiting for the customers to float by in the current.” - Will Scott

Example Sentence: “You made that awesome piece of content, and now all of our customers are clicking on it! You really mastered barnacle SEO with this piece.”

Best Practice [best prak-tis] 

  1. Something that is viewed as being the most or “best” procedure in business.

Example Sentence: “What is best practice in our industry for generating backlinks? Model our next marketing campaign after that!”

Big Data [big dey-tuh] 

  1. A volume of both structured and unstructured data so large that it is difficult to process using simple databases or software.

Example Sentence: “My computer just crashed because this spreadsheet couldn’t handle big data.”

Bing [bing]

  1. The second largest search engine in the United States, owning 19.8% of searches.

Example Sentence: “Microsoft has always been a leading innovator, it’s no surprise that Bing is growing rapidly!”

Bounce Rates [bouns reyts] 

  1. Percentage of visitors to a website who leave (bounce) before visiting another web page.

Example Sentence: “Your new webpage has a ton of new visitors, but the bounce rate is extremely high.”

Brand Identity [brand ahy-den-ti-tee] 

  1. The representation of a company through various factors.
  2. Can be seen in a company logo, the quality of a company’s product, or even pricing. These factors and more bring together the identity for a brand that the consumer notices.

Example Sentence: “Your brand is really misleading, it is really difficult to understand your brand identity.”

Brand Storytelling [brand stawr-ee-tel-ing] 

  1. Sharing words or images to educate and entertain consumers about a brand. Every company or brand has a unique story to tell. This story helps educate consumers on what message is behind the brand.

Example Sentence: “Let me do a bit of brand storytelling. Our company began in 1967 in a small street corner…”

Buyer Personas [bahy-er per-soh-nuhs] 

  1. Representation of prospective customers (potential buyers) and how they think, act, and feel.
  2. Multidimensional profile of prospected leads that reveals insight into buyer behaviors and/or habits.

Example Sentence: “We need to do some extensive research to understand our buyer personas, we simply can’t keep losing customers.”


Citation [sahy-tey-shuh n] 

  1. Anytime a business is mentioned somewhere online. A citation can be structured or unstructured.

Example Sentence: “If you are having a hard time getting your company to rank high in local search try getting more citations online.”

Clickability [klik-uh-bil-i-tee] 

  1. The degree of desirability and functionality that a link is on a webpage - links with high clickability are attractive, and have a distinct call-to-action.

Example Sentence: “Nobody is clicking on your links, focus on clickability, make the user want to click to see more!”

Content Marketing [kon-tent mahr-ki-ting] 

  1. Marketing strategy that includes producing highly targeted, relevant, and valuable content to reach a specific audience.
  2. Increasing keyword density on websites, and directly influencing search engine ranking systems.

Example Sentence: “Content marketing is time demanding but I know it helps my search ranking, so I make sure to produce valuable web content.”

Conversion [kuh n-vur-zhuh n] 

  1. Successfully getting a person to “convert” on a desired action; the process of directing someone to do what you want them to do.

Example Sentence: “You really have to know your audience well if you are going to get any conversions from your next marketing campaign.”

CPC [kawst pur klik] 

  1. Cost-Per-Click. The price that a businesses pays for each click in a marketing campaign, associated frequently with Google Adwords and paid search campaigns.

Example Sentence: “You seem to be getting a lot of traffic to your paid search ad. What is your CPC for that campaign?”


Deep Linking [deep lingk-ing] 

  1. Strategic tactic that webmasters use to try and increase referral visits to their website; often referred to as “hyperlinking.”

Example Sentence: “You have no referral traffic! Try deep linking to other pages to increase referral visits!”

Demand Generation [dih-mand jen-uh-rey-shuh n] 

  1. Marketing that is focused on driving demand or interest to a company’s offerings.
  2. Tactics that are used to create potential closes through qualified sales prospects.

Example Sentence: “What happened to our demand generation? We haven’t had a qualified sales lead in over a month!”

Display URL [dih-spley U R L] 

  1. The web address that is shown on an advertisement - Google allows of up to 35 characters in a display URL.

Example Sentence: “We were very confused when the display URL had nothing to do with the content.”


E-Commerce [ee-kom-ers] 

  1. Transaction of data and/or financials over the internet, it is what delivers online shopping/retail websites.

Example Sentence: “You need to invest in e-commerce and start selling your products online!”

Emoji [ih-moh-jee] 

  1. Series of characters, smileys, and animated objects used in electronic messaging.

Example Sentence: “Make sure you include the winking’emoji in that last message so they know you are joking.”

Engagement [en-geyj-muh nt] 

  1. The effect or emotional connection that a company draws in from a consumer, prospective customer or reader.

Example Sentence: “That last blog you wrote had a lot of reader engagement, everyone is talking about it online!”

External Link [ik-stur-nl lingk]

  1. When your webpage hyperlinks to another website, or when another website hyperlinks to your webpage.

Example Sentence: “The more external links that you get to your page, the better it will rank in local search.”


Facebook Exchange [feys-boo k iks-cheynj] 

  1. Highly targeted Facebook ads based off of a user’s buying/search habits, similar to remarketing.

Example Sentence: “Use Facebook Exchange to get highly targeted ads to the eyes of Facebook’s large database.”

Feed [feed] 

  1. Trendy content such as global news stories that are aggregated into one place or feed.

Example Sentence: “Have you looked at your feed? It’s blowing up with Donald Trump stories!”

FFA [free fawr awl]

  1. Free for all a.k.a Link Farm. A webpage that links to many irrelevant and unrelated websites. Very hard to interpret as a human reader but easily crawled and indexed by search engines. Link farms are frowned upon and some search engines penalize websites for their free for all web pages.

Example Sentence: “This webpage is a free for all, there are links everywhere and it makes no sense to me!

Freemium [free-mee-uh m] 

  1. Pricing system where a product or basic service is being offered for free; usually involves additional features at an extra cost.

Example Sentence: “If you’re looking to try out the product, consider using the freemium version before you decide you want to commit to the full service.”


Geotargeting [jee-o-tahr-git-ing] 

  1. Targeting potential leads or prospective customers based off of their geographical location.
  2. Specific advertisements that are highly personalized to appeal to targeted advertising location.

Example Sentence: “You sell [product]? Try geotargeting your next advertising campaign to [location] only, they’d go crazy for your product!”

GIF [graf-iks in-ter-cheynj fawr-mat] 

  1. Graphics Interchange Format. Simple images that are combined and looped together, presenting a compressed image file that is animated.

Example Sentence: “That image is no fun, send him a funny GIF instead!”

Google [goo-guh l]

  1. The largest search engine in the United States, owning 64.5% of searches.

Example Sentence: “Google it!”

Growth Hacking [grohth hak-ing] 

  1. Efficient hacking methods to grow a business over time and lower the cost of acquisition.
  2. Low-cost and sustainable tactics used to grow a business through outlets in digital advertising as opposed to traditional media, tactic used to assist the growth of startup companies.

Example Sentence: “Our growth hacking team focuses on sustainable growth over time, and aims to lower traditional marketing costs.”

GYM [Goo-guh l Yah-hoo Mahy-kroh-sawft]

  1. Google Yahoo Microsoft. The 3 major search engines, with Microsoft as Bing.

Example Sentence: “Yeah there are a ton of search engines out there, but your business needs to be located on GYM to really be found.”


H2H [hyoo-muh n to hyoo-muh n] 

  1. Human-to-Human. Adding the human element to marketing; buying and selling from one human to another human.
  2. Utilizing the human psyche to connect with prospective customers on a personal level; marketing from a human being rather than automating the process.

Example Sentence: “The sales representatives focus on connecting H2H when selling themselves to prospective customers.”

Hashtag [hash-tag] 

  1. Symbolized by the "#" sign, a hashtag highlights keywords or phrases in social mentions and groups them into relevant categories; first popularized by Twitter.

Example Sentence: “I just hashtagged that in my last tweet, it looks like it is trending around the world.”


  1. Hyper Text Markup Language. A coded language that allows conversion and formatting of plain text for internet usage. Search engines understand and crawl for HTML language, not for plain text.

Example Sentence: “She is really good at using HTML, she can whip up a website in under a day of work!”

Hub [huhb] 

  1. High quality webpage that contains rich content and has relevant links out to trusted sources.

Example Sentence: “That page sure is a hub for everything you need to know about marketing.”  


Ideation [ahy-dee-ey-shuh n] 

  1. The process in which an idea is generated, developed and then communicated. This process involves turning ideas into action.

Example Sentence: “My vision for the product may seem far-fetched but it’s still in the ideation phase.”

Impressions [im-presh-uh ns] 

  1. The amount of people who view a PPC (Adwords) advertisement.

Example Sentence: “How many impressions does your last Adwords advertisement have so far?”

Infographic [in-foh-graf-ik] 

  1. Representing statistics or data in an informative graphic or visual.

Example Sentence: “They just posted a new blog with an interesting infographic stating that infographics are shared and liked 3x more than any other visual content on the web.”

Internal Link [in-tur-nl lingk]

  1. A hyperlink from one webpage to another webpage on the same website.

Example Sentence: “We wrote a piece on business listings, make sure to leave an internal link to that page when you talk about listings.”


Jacking [jak-ing] 

  1. Newsjacking or Memejacking. Altering popular/trending content for marketing benefits for your company.

Example Sentence: “When the power went out at Super Bowl XLVII Oreo Cookie (@Oreo) took advantage of newsjacking by tweeting a photo saying ‘You can still dunk in the dark.’”

JavaScript [jav-uh skript] 

  1. Language that is used in computer programming to generate and design effects within a web browser.

Example Sentence: “JavaScript will be the death of me, it is so confusing.”



Keyword Density [kee-wurd den-si-tee] 

  1. The amount of times that a particular word appears in a webpage , usually expressed in percentage.

Example Sentence: “Before you publish the webpage, check the keyword density to ensure it ranks well with the major engines.”

KPI [kee per-fawr-muh ns in-di-key-ter] 

  1. Key Performance Indicator. Measurable data or statistics that prove if a company is or is not meeting key business goals.

Example Sentence: “Looking at our KPIs we see that all of the performance goals we set in quarter one were met!”


Landing Page [lan-ding peyj] 

  1. Page that is brought up when a user clicks on a search advertisement.

Example Sentence: “I clicked on their advertisement and it brought me to the ugliest landing page on earth.”

Link Bait [lingk beyt]

  1. A webpage that’s sole purpose is to attract a certain group of people or certain businesses to link to the page, usually links from social media platforms are popular.

Example Sentence: “That webpage is great link bait for thought leaders like Brian Dean, maybe he will link to it on his twitter page.”

Link Building [lingk bil-ding]

  1. Actively searching or even asking for new incoming links to a website (usually your own).

Example Sentence: “Do some reaching out to experts on this topic, maybe you will be able to start link building from their websites.”


Listing [lis-ting] 

  1. Online summary profile of a business containing information such as: name, address, phone number, etc.

Example Sentence: “I couldn’t find their business online, they had no listings anywhere!”

Low Hanging Fruit [loh hang-ing froot] 

  1. Unchallenging tasks or easy wins for a business; something that can be accomplished or achieved.

Example Sentence: “Grab the low hanging fruit first, leave the ambitious goals for later.”


Meme [mee m] 

  1. An image or video with text (usually humorous) that is spread across the internet.

Example Sentence: “Share that meme on Facebook, it made me laugh!”

Metadata [met-uh dey-tuh]

  1. Data that describes other data. Helps a website communicate with search engines, often through meta tags that can describe or translate a web page’s content.

Example Sentence: “An image may include metadata that describes how large the picture is, the color depth, the image resolution, when the image was created, and other data.”

Metrics [me-triks] 

  1. Quantitative evaluations that are used to measure and track a company’s performance.

Example Sentence: “These metrics are very upsetting, it looks like we didn’t close as many sales as we should have.”

Millennials [mil-len-ee-uh l] 

  1. A.K.A Generation Y, Echo Boomers, Generation Next. Millennials are mainly referred to as those who are born in the early 1980’s (1982) to around the year 2000.

Example Sentence: “The millennials at work are so tech-savvy, loud, and think they know everything!”


Natural Search Results [nach-er-uh l surch ri-zuhlts] 

  1. Search engine results that are not paid search advertisements or sponsored advertisements, they rank naturally without paid incentive.

Example Sentence: “Your business is the first to appear on the natural search results, great work!”

Netiquette [net-i-kit] 

  1. Accepted or approved internet behavior.
  2. Communication on the internet the is deemed to follow a certain etiquette.

Example Sentence: “She communicates so well on social media, especially because she has great netiquette!”

Nofollow [noh-fol-oh]

  1. A command from a webpage that communicates with spiders (robots) to not follow any links on that specific page.

Example Sentence: “Be careful with nofollow tags, they have been known to take some power away from your Google pagerank.”


Omnichannel Marketing [om-nuh-chan-l mahr-ki-ting] 

  1. Refers to the process of marketing across numerous digital channels regardless of the device or outlet in which the material is being accessed.

Example Sentence: “The user experience is positive on my phone, desktop and tablet. This company must really have their focus on omnichannel marketing!”

Organic Link [awr-gan-ik lingk]

  1. When a website links to one of your web pages without having to request or reach out to the sharer.

Example Sentence: “Wow! We’ve got a lot of organic links on our latest blog post, and we haven’t even promoted it yet on social media.”

Out-Sourcing [out-sawrs-ing] 

  1. Hiring an independent individual or business to assist with demand.
  2. In marketing this is when a company must hire a third-party to handle tasks such as advertising, video production, or content creation.

Example Sentence: “Our marketing team is too small to meet demand, have we thought of outsourcing some of our work?”


Page Rank [peyj rangk]

  1. A ranking that Google’s algorithm assigns a page based off of a 0 and 1 value.

Example Sentence: “The top 3 results in a search usually have the highest page ranks.”

Pain Points [peyn points] 

  1. Points in the customer experience where the consumer may feel frustrated or discouraged.
  2. Areas of weakness, concern, or vulnerability in a company.

Example Sentence: “We need to identify the pain points in the buying process to better serve our potential clients.”

Paid Search [peyd surch] 

  1. Paying for advertisement on major search engines such as Google; usually paid per each click on an advertisement.

Example Sentence: “It looks like our paid search ads are not bringing in a lot of traffic, should we advertise on another word? ”


Quality Content [kwol-i-tee kon-tent] 

  1. Writing that is of high value.
  2. Keyword targeted writing that has major influence on search engine ranking systems.

Example Sentence: “Our content is not going to rank on Google unless it is quality content!”

Quality Score [kwol-i-tee skohr] 

  1. Formulas/algorithms that search engines use to rank or grade advertisements and landing pages, heavily focused on keyword density.

Example Sentence: “Nobody is converting on our landing page, I wonder if it is because the quality score is so low.”


Remarketing [ree-mahr-ki-ting] 

  1. Google Remarketing. Strategic advertisement placement towards audiences who have already connected with your website as they explore other websites online.

Example Sentence: “Our remarketing campaigns for hiking boots seem to really convert on the hikers guide webpage!”

Reputation Management [rep-yuh-tey-shuh n man-ij-muh nt] 

  1. Managing the reputation of a business online by surveying various reputation outlets such as review websites.

Example Sentence: “These businesses need to focus on reputation management or they are going to lose a lot of customers!”

Responsive Web Design [ri-spon-siv web dih-zahyn] 

  1. Adaptation of web page layouts to different devices such as desktop, mobile, and tablet - focus on the user experience when browsing a website.

Example Sentence: “We need a responsive web design plan, we are dropping fast in the search rankings because we are not mobile compatible!”

Rich Media [rich mee-dee-uh] 

  1. Digital advertising that involves advertising with video or audio to encourage or promote interaction between the website and it’s audience.

Example Sentence: “Add some rich media to this web page, I think it will really spice things up for the visitors of the site.”

ROI [ri-turn awn in-vest-muh nt] 

  1. Return on Investment. The amount a business makes relative to the cost of that investment.

Example Sentence: “We spent a lot on the last marketing campaign, can we take a look at ROI to see if it really paid off?”


Scalability or Scale [skeyl] 

  1. Whether or not a process or system will continue to perform as a business grows and workload increases exponentially.

Example Sentence: “I like the idea, but does it scale?”  

SEM [surch en-juh n mahr-ki-ting] 

  1. Search Engine Marketing. Marketing techniques that involve working to make a website more visible on search engine results.

Example Sentence: “This girl is good, she focuses on SEM and can get your business to rank on Google in no time!”

SEO [surch en-juh n op-tuh-muh-zey-shuh n] 

  1. Search Engine Optimization. Optimizing a website to maximize traffic from online searches by yielding high a high volume of search results.

Example Sentence: “He is a master of SEO, if you are lacking organic traffic to your website I am sure he can change that.”

SERP [surch en-juh n ri-zuhlts peyj] 

  1. Search Engine Results Page. List of results that search engines formulate and present to the user after a search is made.

Example Sentence: “Their business appears in the first few results of the SERP, that should definitely increase their website traffic.”

Social Influencer [soh-shuh l in-floo-uh ns-er] 

  1. Social Media Influencer. Someone or something that controls online conversation via their social channels and has a loyal following.
  2. One whose opinions or thoughts online influence the business world.

Example Sentence: “I follow a lot of guys on social media like Gary Vaynerchuk and Neil Patel, these guys are real social influencers.”

SMB [smawl mee-dee-uh m biz-nis] 

  1. Small Medium Business. The number varies depending on the source but SMBs can be a business with employees ranging anywhere from 1-999.

Example Sentence: “We are an agency that deals with SMBs primarily in the food and beverage industry.”

Synergy [sin-er-jee] 

  1. Interaction and collaboration amongst a group of people or group of organizations.

Example Sentence: “We promote synergy in the workplace because we find the best ideas spark from collaboration.”


Thought Leader [thawt lee-der] 

  1. A person who is looked up to as a knowledge expert in a particular subject or seen as an influential figure in that subject matter.

Example Sentence: “Listen to his Ted Talk, he is a real thought leader on futurism.”

TOP [tahym awn peyj]

  1. Time on Page. The amount of time that a user or reader of a webpage spends on that particular page. Lower TOP usually results in lower search rankings.

Example Sentence: “If you write a blog and the readers spend a lot of TOP, your blog is likely to climb search rankings much faster!”

Troll [trohl] 

  1. An internet agitator.
  2. One who deliberately seeks to disrupt online conversation by starting arguments or making absurd statements for personal enjoyment.

Example Sentence: “Stop commenting on all of my photos, you’re being such a troll!”

Trust Rank [truhst rangk]

  1. Ranking system that identifies the difference between spam pages and valuable pages based off of human monitored pages.

Example Sentence: “If your website is spammy it will not fool the trust ranking system, and will likely never be found.”


UGC [yoo-zer jen-uh-reyt-ed kon-tent] 

  1. User Generated Content. Content that is created by users of a service to provide contribution to blogs, wikis, chats, podcasts, etc.

Example Sentence: “We could use more UGC on our website; I would really like to increase the amount of blog posts that we publish.”  


Value Adding [val-yoo ad-ing] 

  1. Additional value to an existing product or service to better serve clients and potential clients.

Example Sentence: “We need to look at making this service better, what value adding features can we create to accommodate our client’s needs.”  

Value Proposition [val-yoo prop-uh-zish-uh n] 

  1. A proposition statement from business to consumer that features a product or service that will be of value to that consumer.

Example Sentence: “I was hesitant to purchase this product but after hearing a value proposition I recognized that it can help my business.”

Viewability [vyoo-uh-bil-i-tee] 

  1. The degree of which something is viewable on a webpage. Advertisements in the bottom corner hidden amongst a long webpage are not considered viewable.

Example Sentence: “You advertisement had no viewability, no wonder we had no traffic to our ads.”

Viral [vahy-ruh l] 

  1. Any sort of media including photos, videos, or stories that are rapidly shared and communicated across the internet.

Example Sentence: “That video of the cats went viral, everyone is talking about it!”

Visibility [viz-uh-bil-i-tee]

  1. The degree of which a webpage or business page is visible on a search engine.

Example Sentence: “If you are a small business, you better make sure your business has visibility with the major search engines.”

Vlogging [vlawg-ing] 

  1. Video Blogging. Blog posting that is primarily done using video production.

Example Sentence: “I have seen this lady before, she does a lot of vlogging all over the internet.”


Wantrepreneur [wahn-truh-pruh-nur] 

  1. A want-to-be entrepreneur. One who continuously talks about starting their own business but never gets around to doing so.

Example Sentence: “That guy has been talking about starting his own business for over fifty years, he never be more than a wantrepreneur.”

Web Personalization [web pur-suh-nl-ahyz-ay-shun] 

  1. Customizing or Personalizing a website and/or it’s content in order to accommodate a specific person’s taste.

Example Sentence: “It’s tough to master web personalization. especially when you don’t understand what the user wants to see.”

White Hat SEO [wahyt hat S-E-O]

  1. a.k.a Ethical SEO. Writing web pages for human audiences instead of search engines. Completely abides by search engine rules with a focus on the reader, instead of manipulating search engine algorithms to rank (Free for all).

Example Sentence: “White hat SEO may take a long time for a blog to start ranking in local search, but it’s much better than cheating the system with a link farm.”


X-Link [kraws lingk] 

  1. Cross Link. Linking your website to other relevant topical web pages across the web.
  2. The act in which one website refers to another website in the form of a link.

Example Sentence: “The New York City zoo website just X-linked our page on bird calling!”


Yahoo! [yah-hoo]

  1. The third largest search engine in the United States, owning 12.8% of searches.

Example Sentence: “Yahoo! Search is becoming less and less valuable to internet users. I would try using Google or Bing before I used Yahoo! Search.”

Yellow Pages [yel-oh peyj-z] 

  1. Formerly a telephone book directory, the yellow pages have moved online in a digital format and provide business listing information to consumers.

Example Sentence: “Go the the Yellow Pages website and find their business information.”

YTD [yeer to deyt] 

  1. Year to Date. The start of a fiscal year to the present day (in that same fiscal year).

Example Sentence: “What are we at for YTD revenue as a company?”


ZBB [zeer-oh beys d buhj-it-ing] 

  1. Zero Based Budgeting. Budgeting method that has ‘zero base’ or reference to last period; starting all budgets without reference to last periods numbers.
  2. Budgeting method that is independent or isolated from previous period budget numbers.

Example Sentence: “Try using the ZBB method! Don’t look at last year’s numbers, just focus on the goals and expectations for this year without having to reference previous budgets.”

Zero Links [zeer-oh lingks]

  1. A webpage that does not attract any internal or external links, completely unnoticed.

Example Sentence: “Our content is great, but we have zero links to the page, so it will never find its way to the top of the search results.”


These are some of the key words and phrases that come up nearly every day in our office. Are we missing some? Add them in the comments below.

About the Author

Zach is a former content strategist with Vendasta. He is fascinated by digital marketing, international studies, and exploring the relationship between technology and business.

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