How to become a Constant Contact reseller

Digital experts are always looking for the next big platform or technique that can drive results for their clients. Throughout all the changes that we’ve seen in the digital marketing space over the years, one standby remains as reliable as ever: email marketing. Becoming a Constant Contact reseller can enable you to deliver impressive results for your customers, becoming an indispensable partner in their business.

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Why should you invest in email marketing as Constant Contact partner? Despite being a decades-old technology at this point, email marketing still drives a very impressive 36-to-1 average ROI. Plus, unlike other techniques, it’s inexpensive to get started so clients can start with a budget that works for them and scale up as their business grows.

Here, we’ll go over exactly how you can become a Constant Contact reseller and go over some common questions you might have in the process.

What is Constant Contact?

Constant Contact is a solution that takes the guesswork out of email marketing. It’s simple and straightforward to use, so even if your clients aren’t particularly tech savvy, they will have no problem creating beautiful, responsive emails that convert subscribers into paying customers.

But Constant Contact is a lot more than an email builder: it’s feature rich and packed with tools, data, and reporting capabilities. It can be used to segment lists for more targeted communications, manage campaigns, and interpret data so that clients can continually refine their email marketing for better results. It also includes tools for building email lists, enabling clients to grow their owned audience and mitigate the challenges created by tighter privacy controls in other areas of digital marketing, like PPC.

How does Constant Contact work?

Constant Contact is very user friendly: it features over 100 customizable templates or users can opt to create their emails from scratch using a drag-and-drop email designer. Emails can be segmented into lists based on a wide range of values. When an email campaign goes out, Constant Contact provides real-time data about key metrics such as open rates and click-through rates.

It’s also easy to A-B test email campaigns, so things like copy, design, or time of sending can be tested and optimized for best results. Integration with ecommerce platforms, list-building tools, and automated email flows all make it possible to put email marketing largely on autopilot.

Who uses Constant Contact?

Whether your clients are old-school businesses that are just getting used to digital, savvy start-ups, or large and well-established, they can all use Constant Contact. Its affordability and ease of use make it perfect for businesses that are newer to email marketing, but its robust features and reporting mean that it can meet the needs of tech-savvy organizations as well.

Why become a Constant Contact reseller?

As a SaaS reseller, it’s important to be strategic about the reseller programs you choose to sign up for. You don’t necessarily want to overwhelm your clients with too many choices, but you also want to be able to provide a variety of valuable solutions. Constant Contact can be used by just about any client you work with, making it a worthwhile reseller partner program for anyone providing digital solutions. In fact, I would go as far as to say it’s one of the best reseller programs out there.

It delivers results

When selecting reseller programs to add to your product list, their value to your clients should be a top concern. Closing the deal is just the first step; if your clients are dissatisfied and don’t stick around, you may have spent more on acquiring that client before even seeing a profit.

Delivering value means more happy clients that you can count on for years to come. With such a significant ROI on email marketing, having a powerful email marketing solution in your product offering by joining the Constant Contact reseller program is a no-brainer.

Generate recurring revenue

Some of your products or services may be project-based, with clients only paying for them once or for a short while. Having recurring monthly revenues as a Constant Contact reseller helps you forecast your cash flow more accurately and enables you to increase the average lifetime value (LTV) of your clients.

As a recurring subscription, Constant Contact revenue is a perfect source of monthly recurring revenue.

Become a one-stop shop

The more solutions you offer, the easier you make it for your clients to reduce vendor clutter and consolidate their buying with you. Email marketing is a key activity for many businesses, so if your clients aren’t buying their email marketing software from you, they’re almost certainly buying it somewhere else.

How to resell Constant Contact

Becoming a Constant Contact reseller is easy, and you can start doing it right away. Here’s how to get started.

  1. Look for a software marketplace where you can access SaaS reseller programs at wholesale reseller pricing. The benefit of using a vendor marketplace is that you can access multiple solutions to resell in one place, streamlining your vendors.
  2. Identify the pricing, and determine your reseller price.
  3. Promote Constant Contact to your clients. You can use sales assets from your Constant Contact partner program, or even create some of your own to share with your clients. You can offer the program on its own or have a higher tier for clients who want you to create campaigns and manage their email marketing for them.
  4. Consider running a promotion to generate interest and sign-ups. You might offer a discount for the first month or quarter, for example.

How much is Constant Contact?

There are different prices to use Constant Contact depending on the plan your clients opt for. As a Constant Contact partner, you’ll get access to discounted pricing compared to retail. Then, you can determine the margins you’d like to make and set prices for your clients accordingly. Retail pricing ranges from $45 to $410, depending on the number of contacts.

Of course, you may not be able to veer too much from the retail prices, but clients also value being able to get all of their solutions in one place. For this reason, you may not have to compete entirely on price.

You can also boost your Constant Contact revenue by charging more for additional services, such as email campaign creation and management.

Frequently asked questions about being a Constant Contact reseller

What is Constant Contact?

Constant Contact is email marketing software that enables users to create beautiful emails, grow their lists, and create and manage campaigns.

Can I resell Constant Contact?

Yes, anyone can resell Constant Contact through the Constant Contact reseller program.

What reseller means for SaaS?

A SaaS reseller purchases software at a discounted price, sells it to their clients, and makes a profit based on the difference between the wholesale price and their reseller price. In this case, you’re selling a well-known brand, such as Constant Contact. On the other hand, white-label software resellers sell products under their own brand so that they appear as in-house solutions.

Is reselling Constant Contact profitable?

Yes, by reselling Constant Contact you get access to wholesale pricing. You don’t have to pay until you make a sale, so you don’t have to worry about losing money. You can also increase your Constant Contact revenue by adding email marketing management services.

About the Author

Solange Messier is the Content Strategy Manager at Vendasta. Solange has spent the majority of her career in content marketing helping companies improve how they connect with their prospects and customers. Her diverse background includes magazine publishing, book publishing, marketing agencies, payment processing, and tech. When she's not working, Solange can be found spending time with her family, running, and volunteering.

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