How to Manage Multiple Digital Vendors | Marketplace Mondays

To grow your digital revenue, you'll need to partner with a growing list of vendors. How do you manage all those Vendors? How do you give instant access to your entire sales team? Hellooooooo Vendasta Marketplace!

Vendasta’s growing Marketplace offers best-in-class digital solutions for you to sell to local businesses. All products are thoroughly vetted, allowing you to provide your clients with valuable marketing tools while growing your revenue. How does the Vendasta Marketplace work? How can you easily scale up your digital marketing and advertising revenue? Let's dive in.

The Market—what?!  

What do the Google Play, Apple and various app stores have in common? Besides a sleek UI and intuitive user experience, their claim to fame is that they house every application consumers could ever want. Now, imagine a similar platform purposely built for organizations like yours where your company can easily “download an app” with the click of a mouse and be selling great solutions that same day. And let’s say you currently have in-house “apps” (products or services) that you offer your clients, what if the platform could allow you to easily integrate what you currently sell into that same store?

In a nutshell, that’s the Vendasta Marketplace—a single platform where your company can easily manage all of the products and services you sell. The best way to think of it is within a three step framework.

1. Discovery

Discover digital solutions within Marketplace. Browse a curated selection of best-of-breed-products and services rich with resources to help you learn more about each one and make informed decisions on what’s right for your company to pull the trigger on.

2. Provision/start selling

This is where the familiar finger tap or mouse click to “install” or “add” comes into play. Decide which products and services are right for your company to offer and seek out what you need. Read through descriptions, key selling points, FAQ’s and more. Ready to get that ball rolling? It’s as easy as “Start Selling!” Intuitive, eh?

3. Manage

Now that you’ve chosen Marketplace apps to sell, what happens to everything else you’re currently selling? It’s a headache to manage multiple logins and separate solutions, so we’ve allowed you to easily add your own products. This way, everything you’re selling lives within one interface. Your team, salespeople and, most importantly, your prospects, no longer need to remember multiple passwords and navigate various interfaces.

Finally, how is this going to make you money? By putting these products and services in front of your clients and prospects! With the products you’ve chosen to sell through Marketplace combined with your current services, you now have a sleek new digital store for your clients.

The Single Source of Truth

As a successful media company or digital agency, do you know how many different vendors you interact with? The average agency using the services of at least 20 vendors per year, some claiming to use more than 40 (Ad Age). It’s likely that translates into 20 different types of collateral, 20 varying contracts and of course, 20 separate invoices. If you’re frustrated by your various points of contact, it’s no surprise that local businesses feel the same.

Marketplace fixes this problem. With a single login, you gain access to thoroughly vetted vendors; one place for all the services your company needs and all the offerings you sell. By eliminating multiple contracts, a dizzying array of contacts and never-ending email chains, you’ve reduced your vendor clutter by creating a single source of truth for your company’s offerings. Are we speaking your language yet?

We like to use the term “best of breed” here at Vendasta when referring to our Marketplace vendors. We’ve chosen to integrate with and offer the services of the best marketing and advertising providers in existence. We’ve put in the hard work so you don’t have to. Lengthy RFP processes, contract negotiations, competitive pricing—we work diligently  to negotiate great rates for you. The products and services offered within Marketplace are exclusively priced for our partner network. And exclusive pricing for our partners means that you’re able to profitably offer these solutions to your clients.

Fully Scalable

Most importantly, Marketplace helps you sell. The idea of a single source of truth helps you grow your revenue, not your costs. When you’re browsing through products and services, deciding what’s best for your agency to sell, remember one very important point: we only make money when you make money.

Quick scenario: while browsing through Marketplace, you find the perfect service you’d like to offer your clients. You read through the rich resources, confirm that it’s the right fit for you and hit “Start Selling”. Do you get charged for that? Nope! Only when you make a sale does Vendasta charge you for the use of that product or service. We’re a true partner and with no limit to the number of products you can add, there's no limit to your revenue potential.

My three sentence conclusion? Vendasta’s Marketplace offers best-in-class digital solutions for you to sell to local businesses. All products are thoroughly vetted, allowing you to provide your clients with valuable marketing tools while growing your revenue. Discover products and services that you can sell to your clients at scale.

About the Author

A former Director on the Marketplace team, Amy is obsessed with product launches, shoes with red bottoms and all (vegetarian) foods. She loves to write and really needs to do it more often.

Turn your digital agency into a scalable power house with Vendasta

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