A quick guide to boosting local SEO efforts with geographic keywords

Key takeaways

  • Geographic keywords are location-specific phrases used to optimize your online presence for local search results.
  • Implementing geographic keywords in local SEO requires understanding how to use them effectively and measuring their success.
  • By using geographic keywords in your local SEO strategy, you can increase your chances of appearing in search results when customers search for businesses in their area.

When you work with business owners, you know that competition is fierce in the digital world. Customers have access to endless options, and it's up to you to make sure your client’s business stands out among the rest. One way to do this is by incorporating geographic keywords into your local SEO strategy.

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However, implementing geographic keywords in local SEO comes with its own set of challenges. It's not enough to simply add a location to the website and hope for the best. You need to understand how to use these keywords effectively and measure their success to ensure you're getting the most out of your local SEO keyword research. In this article, we'll dive into the world of geographic keywords and provide tips for implementing them in your hyperlocal targeting strategy.

Understanding geographic keywords in SEO

If you want to supercharge your local SEO strategy, one key factor to consider is geographic targeting. By using the right geographic keywords, you can optimize your website and content to appear in search results for specific locations, helping you to attract more local traffic and customers for your clients. In this section, we will discuss the importance of local SEO keyword research and the different types of geographic keywords you can use in your SEO strategy.

Why geographic keywords matter

Using geographic keywords in your SEO strategy is important because it helps you to target highly specific locations and audiences. By optimizing clients’ website and content for the people and places nearby, you can increase their visibility in local search results and attract folks who are looking for businesses nearby. This is especially critical for businesses that rely on local customers, such as restaurants, retail stores, and service providers.

In addition, using geographic keywords can help clients to stand out from their competitors. By targeting specific locations, you can differentiate them from businesses that are not optimizing for local search. This can help you to capture the attention of local customers who want to feel catered to — giving clients a competitive edge in your market.

Types of geographic keywords

There are several types of geographic keywords that you can use in your SEO strategy. These include:

  • City-based keywords: These keywords target specific cities or towns. For example, if you work with a restaurant in New York City, you might use keywords like "best restaurants in NYC" or "New York City dining."
  • State-based keywords: These keywords target specific states or regions. For example, if you work with a hotel in California, you might use keywords like "hotels in California" or "California vacation."
  • Country-based keywords: These keywords target specific countries. For example, if you work with a travel agency in the United States, you might use keywords like "vacations in Europe" or "Europe travel packages."
  • Neighborhood-based keywords: These keywords target specific neighborhoods or areas within a city. For example, if you work with a coffee shop in Brooklyn, you might use keywords like "best coffee in Williamsburg" or "Brooklyn coffee shops."

By using a combination of these different types of geographic keywords, you can create a comprehensive SEO strategy that targets specific locations and audiences. This can help your clients attract more local traffic, stand out from their competitors, and grow their business.

By understanding the importance of geographic targeting and the different types of geographic keywords you can use, you can optimize their website and content to appear in search results for specific locations and attract more local traffic and customers.

Implementing geographic keywords in local SEO

If you're looking to improve your local SEO strategy for clients, implementing geographic keywords is a great place to start. By using location-specific keywords, you can increase their visibility in local search results and attract more traffic to your website. Here are two key steps to take when implementing geographic keywords in your local SEO strategy.

Step one: Keyword research

The first step is to conduct thorough local SEO keyword research. Start by brainstorming a list of keywords that are related to the business and the areas you serve. For example, if you’re working with a dentist in Miami, some relevant keywords might include "Miami dentist," "dentist in Miami," "Miami dental services," and so on.

Once you have a list of potential keywords, use a keyword research tool to determine their search volume and competition level. Look for keywords with high search volume and low competition, as these are the keywords that are most likely to drive traffic to your client’s website.

Step two: Keyword optimization

Once you've identified the target keywords, it's time to optimize their website. This involves incorporating them into the website's content, meta tags, and other on-page elements. Here are a few tips for optimizing a website for geographic keywords:

  • Include your target keywords in the website's title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags.
  • Use your target keywords in the website's content, but be sure to use them naturally and avoid keyword stuffing. Humans and search engines will notice, and it can have the opposite effect of what you’re looking for.
  • Create location-specific pages on your website, with content that’s tailored to the specific areas the client serves.
  • Use schema markup to help search engines understand the geographic focus of the website.

By following these steps, you can effectively implement geographic keywords in your local SEO strategy and improve clients’ visibility in local search results.

Challenges you may run into when using geographic keywords

Using geographic keywords on your website can be an effective way to target local audiences and improve search engine rankings. However, there are some challenges to consider when using these keywords.

Overcoming keyword cannibalization

One challenge with using geographic keywords is the risk of keyword cannibalization. This occurs when multiple pages on your website are targeting the same keyword, causing them to compete with each other in search engine rankings. This can lead to decreased visibility and traffic for all pages targeting the keyword.

To overcome this challenge, you should identify which pages on a website are targeting the same geographic keyword and consolidate them into a single page, focusing on the most relevant and high-priority keywords. This will help to avoid competing with content you’re publishing and improve the overall search engine rankings.

Avoiding keyword stuffing

Another challenge with using geographic keywords is the risk of keyword stuffing. This occurs when you use the same keyword too frequently on a page, which can lead to penalties from search engines and a negative user experience.

To avoid keyword stuffing, you should focus on using geographic keywords in a natural and relevant way. Use them in page titles, headings, and meta descriptions, and include them in the content of the page where it makes sense. However, avoid using them excessively or in a way that seems forced.

Overall, using geographic keywords can be a powerful tool for targeting local audiences and improving search engine rankings. By overcoming the challenges of keyword cannibalization and avoiding keyword stuffing, you can effectively use these keywords to grow your clients’ business.

Measuring success of geographic keywords in local SEO

When it comes to local SEO, using geographic keywords can be a powerful tool to attract potential customers in your clients’ region. But how do you measure the success of your efforts? In this section, we'll discuss three key metrics to track: keyword ranking, traffic analysis, and Google Business Insights.

Keyword ranking

One way to measure the success of your geographic keywords is by tracking search engine ranking. You can use keyword research tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to monitor clients’ ranking for specific keywords in your target location. Keep in mind that ranking fluctuates regularly, so it's important to track progress over time and adjust your strategy as needed.

Traffic analysis

Another way to measure the effectiveness of your geographic keywords is by analyzing website traffic. Use Google Analytics to track the amount of traffic a website receives from organic search results in your target location. You can also track the bounce rate and time spent on a website to see how engaged visitors are with the content.

Google Business Insights

You can use the Google Business Profile Insights feature to track how customers are finding your client’s business. This tool provides data on how many people are viewing the listing and how they found it (through direct search, discovery search, or maps). You can also see how many people called the business, requested directions, or visited the website from the listing.

Tracking these metrics can help you determine the success of your geographic keywords in local SEO. By regularly monitoring your progress and making adjustments as needed, you can improve your visibility in your client’s target location and attract more local customers to their business.

About the Author

Lawrence Dy is the SEO Strategy Manager at Vendasta. His career spans from starting as a Jr. Copywriter in the automotive industry to becoming a Senior Editorial Content Manager in various digital marketing niches. Outside of work, Lawrence moonlights as a music producer/beatmaker and spends time with friends and family.

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